[News] Brutal attack by the Haitian police against demonstrators - Fanmi Lavalas press statement

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Oct 3 10:28:07 EDT 2017

Following is a translation of the /Fanmi Lavalas/ press release in 
Kreyol on the brutal attack by the Haitian police against demonstrators 
this past Saturday, September 30th, 2017, the 26th anniversary of the 
bloody coup d'etat in 1991. Over 5,000 people were killed during the 
coup period by the Haitian military and its affiliated FRAPH death squad.

Similar to the events of 26 years ago, witnesses report a vehicle with 
ID #1-0062 from the BOID Haitian police unit brought officers who 
unprovoked started shooting directly into the crowd. It was about 3:00 
p.m.; the demonstration was making its way back from Petionville to 
Port-au-Prince. Many were injured by the gunfire. Demonstrators trying 
to leave the area were attacked with tear gas by another unit of the 
Haitian police reportedly wearing blue and creme-colored uniform.

A demonstrator was observed being savagely beaten by a BOID policeman at 
about 3:30 p.m. in the area of Pont-Morin in Port-au-Prince before being 
taken away in a police car. Witnesses state that in addition to the 
above, this was another of many such unprovoked brutal attacks against 
peaceful protestors by the UN-trained and supervised Haitian police.

Today is day one of the two-day general strike for this week.

FANMI LAVALAS Press Release - September 30, 2017

September 30, 1991, September 30, 2017, 26 years have passed but the 
Haitian people have not forgotten and continue to show their attachment 
to President Aristide.

/Fanmi Lavalas/ congratulates the hundreds of thousands of people who 
took to the streets in protest on September 30, 2017, to say no to 
political crime, economic crime, social crime that the coup d'etat 
government of the accused money-launderer are committing against the 
population. 26 years later, people are determined more than ever to 
confront the repressive forces that are exploiting and brutalizing them. 
>From St. Jean Bosco church, through La Saline, St. Martin, Belair, up to 
Petionville, and Champs-de-Mars, demonstrators repeatedly demanded the 
resignation of the accused money-launderer.

Today again, the police are out to assassinate demonstrators, shooting 
directly at people, using tear gas and liquid skin irritant against 
protestors. Many were illegally arrested. The /Fanmi Lavalas/ Political 
Organization condemns the violence and savage repression conducted by 
the police against demonstrators and demands the immediate liberation of 
all the people who were arrested.

The struggle will not stop. /Fanmi Lavalas/ supports the call for a 
general strike on Monday October 2nd and Tuesday October 3rd. The system 
must be overturned. General mobilization everywhere in the country in 
whatever form. We Will Not Obey.

Alone we are weak,
Together we are strong,
All together we are /Lavalas/.

Executive Committee of /Fanmi Lavalas /
sent by Haiti Action Committee
www.haitisolidarity.net <http://www.haitisolidarity.net>

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