[News] Puerto Rico: FEMA's Novice Contractor Fails to Deliver Tarps

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Wed Nov 29 10:41:15 EST 2017


  Puerto Rico: FEMA's Novice Contractor Fails to Deliver Tarps

29 November 2017

The United States has dropped the ball again as thousands of Puerto 
Ricans were left homeless after a novice contractor failed to deliver an 
order of emergency tarps and plastic sheeting repairs, the Associated 
Press reported.

    Poverty for Post-Maria Puerto Rico Up By 8%

A small, new Florida company won the bidding war for the US$30 million 
contract from FEMA to transport the sorely needed supplies to the 
hurricane-torn island nation.

Bronze Star LLC said they were unable to complete the order due to 
shortages in Texas following Harvey. While government officials said 
they do not consider a company’s experience when hiring contractors.

"The Bronze Star LLC contract was awarded in accordance with existing 
federal acquisition regulations," said FEMA's acting press secretary, 
Jenny Burke.

"Regulation requires the government to neither prefer, nor hold against 
a company its 'newness' to federal contracts, and requires that the 
lowest price, technically acceptable bid be selected," she added.

FEMA awarded the company two contracts to provide 500,000 tarps and 
60,000 rolls of plastic sheeting to Puerto Rico on Oct. 10. Ron Roth, 
FEMA spokesperson said that although the process was “somewhat 
expedited,” the department did perform its duty.

"FEMA's initial technical evaluation determined Bronze Star could do the 
jobs based on their proposals, which confirmed that they could meet the 
product specifications and delivery dates," Roth said.

"In every circumstance, regardless of the award, whether it's $400 to 
the local stationery company for envelopes, or it's $400 million for a 
construction contract, the contracting officer is required to make a 
responsibility determination," said attorney and a former federal 
adviser for government contracts, Alan Miller.

    Puerto Ricans Demand Justice, Disaster Relief in Washington

"Does this company have the infrastructure; do they have the inventory 
processes, the production processes, the financial capability, for 
performing the work?" he asked.

Company owners said after Texan suppliers were unable to provide the raw 
materials, a waiver requesting purchases from Chinese manufacturers and 
later for a time extension were both denied by FEMA, according to the 
Associated Press.

The contract was finally terminated by FEMA on Nov. 4 to restart the 

Meanwhile, islanders continue to wait for basic necessities months after 
Hurricane Maria. Roth told AP that over 93,000 tarps have since been 
sent to Puerto Rican distribution centers, while another 11,000 were 
sent and installed by the Army Corps of Engineers “Blue Roof” program.

The country is still short approximately 60,000 blue roofs, FEMA’s 
Puerto Rican coordination officer Michael Byrne said, adding that an 
average 350 roofs are being installed daily, though, this number is 
expected to increase.

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