[News] International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 2017

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Tue Nov 28 11:35:43 EST 2017


  International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People 2017


28 November 2017

We, at Addameer, have seen our fair share of International Days of 
Solidarity with the Palestinian People. We have celebrated them in 
Palestine; we have celebrated them in New York; and we have celebrated 
them in Geneva.

The event that started as a diplomatic exercise, and is celebrated on 
the day of the adoption of the 1947 Partition Plan, has become a day for 
empty platitudes. Each year we are reminded of the international 
community’s commitment to the Palestinian people, and the will to hold 
the occupying accountable for its crimes under international law. For a 
large portion of countries, it’s not clear that there is even the will; 
all we here are the promises and the concern.

That said, over the past decade, something has changed. This day has 
become more about community organizing, awareness raising, and 
engagement with solidarity groups. The crucial events are no longer the 
ones being held in the halls of the UN, rather they are the events being 
held in the streets and in the universities. We welcome this change. 
Seventy years after the Partition Plan, it has become glaringly obvious 
that the international community will not hold Israel accountable 
without a strong push from civil society.

So, with the day itself tomorrow, we commend all the people who are 
putting pressure on bigger institutions to hold Israel accountable. We 
also want to thank you for your support of the Palestinian cause over 
the past year.

For the year to come, Addameer will be planning campaigns and ways to 
further engage both Palestinian society and our global supporters.

  We are firmly of the belief that change will come from the streets, 
and the community, not from the halls of power. It is local and 
community pressure, whether in the EU or Latin America, that will force 
countries to treat the occupying power in accordance with its crimes.

  International civil society will be what makes the difference for the 
Palestinian people, not those who shake hands with the occupier.

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