[News] US Tightens Sanctions on Cuba With New Provisions

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Nov 8 18:34:21 EST 2017


  US Tightens Sanctions on Cuba With New Provisions

November 8, 2017

Cuba has been hit with new U.S.-imposed restrictions 
which have, in effect, tightened the sanctions on the largest island in 
the Caribbean.

    *RELATED: *
    World Votes to Lift Blockade on Cuba as US, Israel Vote 'No'

The move is part of U.S. President Donald Trump's campaign pledge to 
overturn rapprochement efforts initiated by his predecessor, Barack Obama.

Scheduled to take effect on Thursday, the changes will prevent U.S. 
trade with and travel to the Caribbean island. In a prepared statement, 
the U.S. Treasury Department said it will "expand the list of Cuban 
government officials barred from transactions as well as set policy to 
deny exports to prohibited Cuban entities.”

Commercial transactions and most travel arrangements made prior to the 
changes will be permitted by the United States, according to Reuters.

The move comes a little over a week after U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. 
Nikki Haley criticized member states and their representatives for 
condemning the U.S. economic blockade and calling the annual U.N. 
General Assembly vote against the measure "political theater." She ended 
her speech by directing her comments directly to the Cuban people, 
saying that her government, though standing alone in its promulgation of 
the 55-year-old blockade, will express solidarity with all Cubans by 
voting in favor of maintaining it.

Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez responded to Haley's comments by 
saying that the United States has no moral ground to stand on in its 
condemnation of Cuba due to its “flagrant violation of human rights,” 
citing the arrest and deportation of minors and undocumented immigrants; 
the killing of African-Americans by U.S. police; the lack of guarantees 
for education and healthcare and restrictions on union organization; and 
the refusal of U.S. companies to sell life-saving medical supplies to 
healthcare services on the Caribbean island.

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