[News] Reactions to UN Cuba Vote - only the US and Israel support blockade

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Thu Nov 2 10:50:50 EDT 2017


  Reactions to UN Cuba Vote

November 1, 2017

Following the U.N. General Assembly vote that tallied 191 in favor of 
lifting the U.S. blockade on Cuba against a mere two in support of it, 
several heads of state and others weighed in on the aspirations of the 
international community.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro posted a message on his Twitter 
account which read: “A great victory for Cuba at the ONU, 191 
governments and peoples of the world said no more blockade. Venezuela 
will always be with Cuba! Long live the Great Homeland!!”

Delcy Rodriguez, president of Venezuela's National Constituent Assembly, 
ANC, tweeted: “The dignity of Cuba, once again, has defeated the 
criminal blockade against the Cuban people! Popular victory! No more 

Speaking before representatives of member states at the General 
Assembly, U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley said “the United 
States does not fear isolation in this chamber or anywhere else. Our 
principles are not up for a vote.” She added that her country “will 
stand for respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms that the 
member states of this body have pledged to protect, even if we have to 
stand alone.”

In response, Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez condemned Haley's 
"disrespectful, interfering statement," saying "she is reflecting the 
tenor of U.S. politics today."

    World Votes to Lift Blockade on Cuba as US, Israel Vote 'No'

He stressed that the United States has no moral ground to stand on in 
its condemnation of the socialist island due to its “flagrant violation 
of human rights,” citing the arrest and deportation of minors and 
undocumented immigrants; the killing of African-Americans by U.S. 
police; the lack of guarantees for education and healthcare and 
restrictions on union organization; and the refusal of U.S. companies to 
sell life-saving medical supplies to Cuban healthcare services.

Delegate after delegate called for the end of the blockade, highlighting 
the progressive and positive role Cuba plays in the international community.

Even prior to the vote, Evo Morales, president of the Plurinational 
State of Bolivia, tweeted, “The criminal blockade has not impeded Cuba 
from being an example of solidarity. Long live Cuba!”. Morales later 
said on Twitter: "The peoples of the world are with Cuba. 191 against 2 
is Cuba's leadership. Solidarity prevails before the pettiness of the 

Adding her voice in support former Colombian Senator Piedad Cordoba also 
said on Twitter: "If blocking an island and trying to subdue it with 
hunger and need is not a crime against humanity, then what is? # 
NoMoreBlockade #Cuba"

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