[News] What's Next After Venezuela's Constituent Assembly Vote?

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Mon Jul 31 11:21:30 EDT 2017


  What's Next After Venezuela's Constituent Assembly Vote?

July 31, 2017

After Sunday's vote for the National Constituent Assembly, 
Venezuela enters a new legislative and election period.

Over eight million people voted in Venezuela's election Sunday — a 
turnout of over 41 percent, according to electoral authorities — to 
choose from 6,120 candidates for the 545-member ANC.

Public servants, including governors, mayors, and lawmakers, could not 
run as candidates unless they resigned from their positions. Candidates 
did not represent their political parties but competed on an individual 
basis to become a delegate for the ANC.

"It is the only way to summon the full sovereignty of the people and lay 
the foundations of the recovery of peace in the Republic," President 
Nicolas Maduro said on May 1.

"This is a Constituent Assembly to bring order, do justice and defend 
the peace," Maduro said Monday.


*After the vote*

Some 364 members will be chosen through a territorial vote, one member 
for each of Venezuela's municipality, two for each one that is a state 
capital, and seven for Libertador municipality of central Caracas.

Eight will be elected from the vote being conducted by Indigenous 
communities on Aug. 1, according to their customs and traditions, while 
the remaining 173 will be divided into different sectors.

Eight will be from campesinos and fishermen, five for business people, 
five for those with a disability, 24 for students, 28 for pensioners, 24 
for Communal Councils, and 79 for workers in public administration, 
services, social areas, commerce, self-employed, industry, construction, 
transportation, and the oil industry.

The National Electoral Council, with local and international observers 
and auditors, will be in charge of counting all the votes before 
announcing who will sit on the ANC.


*The Constituent Assembly's work*

By Aug. 3 the elected members of the ANC will be sworn in as the new 
legislative body.

It will be installed within 72 hours after the announcement of the 
elected constituents and will work from the Federal Legislative Palace 
in Caracas, according to the decree that convened it.

This group of various origins and interests will discuss and drafts a 
new national constitution based on the proposals by different sectors of 

This will be the second Constituent Assembly to be elected in Venezuela 
since 1999 when the current constitutional text was drafted in another 
popular participation vote.

In the current Bolivarian Constitution, there is no defined timeline on 
how long it would take the members of the newly elected body to complete 
the popular mandate, but it would be a temporary parliament.

The constituents will have at least three months to draft the new text 
and are expected to focus their work on justice and economic issues.


*Venezuelans must approve new constitution*

Article 349 of the country's constitution says no other state power can 
"in any way impede the decisions of the National Constituent Assembly" 
and that the President of the Republic can not object to the new 

The final text of the new Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of 
Venezuela will go to an open and free referendum where all citizens will 
decide whether to approve it.

Depending on what the constituents include in the final text, the 
country could face general elections for President of the Republic, 
mayors, governors and other publicly elected officials.

The referendum is scheduled to be held on December 19, while the 
elections for governors in the country is scheduled for December 10.


*Possible outcomes*

Popular sectors hope to win a majority in the assembly along with the 
government in order to strengthen the economic and judicial system and 
protect the social missions initiated by the Bolivarian Revolution to 
provide free or low-cost health care, education and food.

According to the government, new forms of participatory democracy will 
be developed, as well as support for sovereignty, cultural programs, 
social rights and environmental programs.

Some factions of the opposition have decided not to participate in the 
democratic and open process, while other sectors have said they will 

According to analysts, even if the opposition were to win the majority 
in this assembly, they wouldn't be able to change the fundamental 
constitutional model of the country created in 1999.

They will still need to work on the basis of the fundamental rights 
given to the people in the current constitution.

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