[News] Electoral Experts Call for Respect of Venezuela Assembly Vote

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Mon Jul 31 11:17:36 EDT 2017


  Electoral Experts Call for Respect of Venezuela Assembly Vote

July 31, 2017

Some 43 international observers and electoral experts to Venezuela's 
National Constituent Assembly 
Sunday called for the international community to respect the will of the 
Venezuelan people.

The Council of Electoral Specialist of Latin America composed of former 
presidents and magistrates from electoral organizations throughout Latin 
America was the main international organization which observed 
Venezuela's ANC.

International observers — politicians, parliamentarians, campesinos, 
Indigenous people, workers and representatives from electoral missions 
and organizations in different parts of the world — also participated 
and reiterated that Venezuela's self-determination and sovereignty, as 
expressed through ANC elections participants, must be recognized and 

Nicanor Moscoso, the organization's representative, delivered a 
statement which read, in part, that Venezuela's legitimate and robust 
voting system “guarantees that the results accurately reflects the will 
of voters,” according to Prensa Latina

Over eight million people voted in Venezuela's election Sunday — a 
turnout of over 41 percent, according to electoral authorities — to 
choose from 6,120 candidates for the 545-member ANC.

The statement noted that “the Venezuelan people have made their case for 
peace despite threats and interventionist actions from the United States 
as well as their associates and allies."

It added that Venezuelans “have concurred in a civic and peaceful manner 
to exercise their right to vote in a free, universal, direct, and secret 
election as expressed in Article 63 of the Bolivarian Constitution.”

Moscoso stressed that the ANC should serve as a legal mechanism to help 
promote a healthy dialogue among political opponents in order to 
guarantee the well being of and peace between all Venezuelan citizens.

The report will be presented to Venezuela's National Electoral Council.

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