[News] Stop Haiti's Electoral Coup, Violence & Repression Against Protestors

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jan 10 10:17:15 EST 2017



Two days after Haitians marked the 213^th anniversary of their 
revolution, onJanuary 3, 2017 Haiti’s electoral council ignored massive 
protests and named Jovenel Moise Haiti’s new President.  Jovenel Moise 
is a businessman handpicked by former Duvalierist President Michel 
Martelly and backed by the US and the EU. The process by the US/UN 
occupation of re-imposing a dictatorship on the Haitian people, which 
began with the 2004 coup that ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, 
is becoming further entrenched.

Thousands of protestors decrying massive fraud in Haiti’s recent 
Presidential and legislative electionshave taken to the streets daily 
since the November 20^th election.  They are being met with violence and 
other repression by UN trained/supervised police including tear gas, 
bullets, batons and rifle butts.

lCrowds are being shot at with both rubber and real bullets. On 
Christmas Eve, heavily armed militarized police shot indiscriminately 
into a crowd of thousands, and many demonstrators were wounded.

l Protestors are being repulsed with water cannons – a caustic irritant 
has been added to the water which burns people’s skin.

l Tear gas has been lobbed by police into sleeping communities known to 
be strongholds of Lavalas support.  Three babies suffocated to death as 
a result of the amount and strength of tear gas used.

*Jovenel Moise has announced that his government will build more prisons 
and pass a law to further limit freedom of alternative media.*Already 
reporters from Radio Timoun, an alternative media outlet, have been 
violently attacked.

The Provisional Electoral Council or CEP, with the cooperation of the 
US, EU and UN ‘peacekeeping’ forces, swept evidence of massive fraud 
under the rug and orchestrated an electoral coup d’etat favoring the 
candidate of the business elite as Haiti’s new President.  See /Human 
Rights and Alternative Media Delegation 

Three major candidates formally protested the fraudulent election 
results including Dr. Maryse Narcisse, the candidate of Fanmi Lavalas 
the political party and movement headed by Jean-Bertrand Aristide, 
Haiti's first democratically elected president.  But the protesting 
candidates and their legal representatives were denied access by CEP 
judges to the tally sheets - this after they discovered and objected to 
massive discrepancies in the tally sheets they initially had access to. 
  The fraud was so grossly blatant and massive that, in a sample being 
verified before access was denied, 85% of the votes for Jovenel Moise 
were disqualified. Lavalas has issued a communique rejecting the 
fraudulent results of the CEP and calling on people to mobilize against 
this massively orchestrated fraud/electoral coup d/etat.

The Haitian grassroots are yet again risking their lives for the right 
to choose their own president. In the lead up to the election, 68 
Haitian grassroots organization issued a  a statement calling 
for solidarity with Haiti's struggle for free and fair elections, 
dignity and justice under the banner, Nou Pap Obeyi - We Will Not Obey 
Illegitimate Authority. Excerpt from the Statement of 68 Grassroots 

/"Right after the earthquake, the internationals took advantage of our 
momentary state of helplessness to occupy the political space. Today, 
the Haitian people are engaged in an all out struggle to reclaim that 
space and to exercise their right to vote. The very ones who hijacked 
the reconstruction money want to prevent the people from choosing their 
government, in a wide scale conspiracy to continue the looting of the 
country’s resources... The Haitian people…are in a fight for their very 
confronted by the danger presented by local and international 
colonialists, the Haitian people have started a RESISTANCE FOR EXISTENCE 
movement. We ask for people to people solidarity from everywhere on the 

“/Nou Pap Obeyi”/ is a powerful slogan for all as we approach the new 
and challenging years ahead. Stand with the people of Haiti and their 
resistance to this electoral coup - we all owe Haiti a great debt 
beginning with their 1804 revolution that defeated the powerful French 
army of Napoleon and led the way for the ending of slavery in the Americas.

**What you can do:*

·Circulate this information, not covered by corporate media, to your 
friends and networks

·Contact US officials to protest US complicity in voter suppression and 
fraud, and to urge the US not to recognize this fraudulently-elected 
leader of Haiti

-President Obama: 202-456-1111 <tel:202-456-1111>

-US State Department: haitispecialcoordinator at state.gov 
<mailto:haitispecialcoordinator at state.gov>, Secretary Kerry @John Kerry

-Your Member of Congress: 202-224 3121 <tel:202-224%203121>

·Protest to the UN Mission in Haiti and demand an end to violent 
suppression of free speech:
minustah-info at un.org <mailto:minustah-info at un.org>

·Donate to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund, which supports democracy, 
independent media, education and more in 

*Issued by: Haiti Action Committee, Global Women’s Strike & Women of 

**For more info: 
**For additional independent news coverage:

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