[News] How the UN, OAS, EU Stole Haiti's Presidential Election

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jan 6 10:35:22 EST 2017

/On January 3, Haiti’s Electoral Council confirmed Jovenel Moise as 
president of Haiti. A massive police presence resembling martial law has 
suppressed street protests, attacking demonstrators with stinging blue 
foam dispersed by water cannons. A tear gas attack on a poor 
neighborhood at 1 a.m. suffocated three infants. /

It is time to denounce the UN, OAS, EU and the slew of NGOs that have 
destroyed Haitian democracy. Time to denounce global organizations 
determined to re-establish a colonial style society in Haiti. Time to 
denounce the co-opted organizations disguising their new colonial 
projects with a multiplicity of one-day celebrations such as Free Press 
Day, Gender Parity Day, or Environment day not implemented in Haiti, 
while their soldiers impose dictators with real bullets and real 
chemical warfare.

_The Haitian People don't support Jovenel Moise. Only the internationals 
do._ Perpetuating PHTK party rule would not be possible without explicit 
international participation in a conspiracy against free and fair 
elections in Haiti. A focus on two points is sufficient to expose the 

_*The Cité Soleil vote*_

Cité Soleil is a poor neighborhood of Haiti. As all poor neighborhoods 
in Haiti, the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants support the 
/Fanmi Lavalas/ party. The nation-wide support was demonstrated by 
massive parades -- of millions -- in the days preceding the election. 
Besides the enthusiasm, they exhibited their electoral card (voter ID) 
to make sure everyone knew they were able and willing to vote. “They 
voted, and their vote was stolen,” such is the position of residents of 
poor neighborhoods in Haiti. They demand the verification that the 
electoral law requires, and that the electoral council refuses to 
implement, in violation of its own law. It should be noted that in the 
context of a conspiracy to suppress the vote, the vote from Cité Soleil 
needed to be swapped.** Indeed, only a little over 21% of the electorate 
“voted” officially. The very highly mobilized Cité Soleil population 
alone makes up over 17% of the Haitian electorate, and everyone saw them 
vote. Thus the need to swap their ballots

The inhabitants of Cité Soleil, along with inhabitants from all the 
popular neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince -- the west comprises 42% of the 
electorate -- have been taking to the streets daily -- to date over 36 
demonstrations and counting. They demand a verification, and that their 
vote be counted. As on the day of the preliminary results, during the 
past few days, the authorities have used tear gas, water cannons with 
liquid irritant, rubber bullets and live ammunition to stop them from 
demonstrating. Many demonstrators have been injured and hospitalized; 
three infants have suffocated to death from the intense and toxic 
gassing while sleeping in their cribs at 1:00 a.m. Two more infants in 
grave distress from the gassing on 1/2/17 were rushed to the hospital.

_*UN transportation of the vote*_

UNOPS, the very same UN agency accused of manipulating the 2015 proven 
fraudulent election, “retained its right” to provide the same services 
in November 2016, even though everything else about the election was 
supposed to be “Haitian.” While the vote was being counted, a 
country-wide power outage which lasted over two hours, provided an 
obscurity lapse that has never been addressed: what happened to the vote 
at the time, what was the CEP’s procedure to secure the vote in the 
eventuality of such an event. We are still in the dark when it comes to 
this crucial period following the vote, even though the fraud of the 
prior 2015 election was implemented by... switching ballots.** Most 
importantly, the vote and tally-sheets from Cité Soleil that were to be 
transported by UNOPS a mere ten minutes drive away, got to the 
Tabulation Center more than two days late, with no explanation for the 

****/UN implicated in Ballot Swapping – During the 2015 election, Deputy 
Antoine Rodon Bien-Aime and two other PHTK candidates made a startling 
revelation about UNOPS, a UN agency assigned to transport ballot boxes 
to the Tabulation Center. _They charged that while in U.N. custody, the 
ballot boxes were switched en route with boxes of pre-filled-out 
ballots. Separately, a National Palace official was involved in a 
vehicle accident in which pre-filled-out ballots, marked for the 
Presidential candidate of Martelly’s PHTK party, Jovenel Moise, spilled 
on the road._/

•The electoral law is clear about normal verification needed prior to 
the inclusion of a tally-sheet's numbers. This authentication process 
has never taken place.

•The international community, especially the UN and OAS, is actively 
participating in a conspiracy to defraud the Haitian people.

•UN soldiers are participating in police action violating Haitian 
rights, guaranteed by the Haitian constitution.

•UNOPS, a UN agency, has actively participated in an operation to switch 
ballots in Cité Soleil, and probably other popular neighborhoods.

In the face of thisreprehensible behavior, stand with the people of 
Haiti to demand:

1. The vote be verified, and that irregularities thoroughly investigated

2. The right to demonstrate be respected

3. The repressive apparatus setup by former President Martelly and used 
by President Privert, Prime Minister Enex Jean-Charles, and Police Chief 
Michel-Ange Gedeon, be investigated and dismantled.

Sent by Haiti Action Committee

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