[News] Frederick Douglass Opens Twitter Account from Beyond the Grave to Troll President Trump

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Feb 3 10:47:00 EST 2017


You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll feel better about yourself. I promise.

    Wednesday, February 1, 2017

      Frederick Douglass Opens Twitter Account from Beyond the Grave to
      Troll President Trump

Soooo, ummm . . . President Trump just described Frederick Douglass 
at a Black History Month Event as follows:

    "Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing
    job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice."

In response, the famed ex-slave-turned-abolitionist, suffragist, author, 
editor, and diplomat--who died in 1895--opened a Twitter account from 
the site of his interment at the Douglass family plot at Mount Hope 
Cemetery in Rochester, NY.

The iconic historical figure used the President's preferred medium and 
tone in an effort to troll him for his evident misapprehension that Mr. 
Douglass is currently doing "an amazing job" at anything or getting 
"recognized more and more," since he died 122 years ago.

*@realFrederickDouglass*: My autobiography, /Life and Times of Frederick 
Douglass/, is #1 best-seller on Amazon. 4x better sales than /Art of the 
Deal/! P.S. I am dead!

*@realFrederickDouglass*: Hope you like everything I did for women's 
suffrage! Even the losers, haters, and flat-chested "fives." Enjoy!

*@realFrederickDouglass*: Appreciate @realDonaldTrump congrats on 
AMAZING job I did to secretly educate myself and other slaves while 
still living under slavery in Maryland. My work is finally being recognized!

*@realFrederickDouglass*: @realDonaldTrump, your FAKE NATIONAL SECURITY 
immigrant BAN goes against everything I stood for (when I was alive 122 
yrs ago). A horrible mess!

*@realFrederickDouglass*: My abolitionist paper, /The North Star/, has 
much better coverage of me than the failing /New York Times /has of 

*@realFrederickDouglass*: @realDonaldTrump pretended to know who I was 
when he obviously has no fucking idea. VERY DISHONEST!

*@realFrederickDouglass*: I will be asking for an investigation into the 
MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD that led to black ppl and women not voting for 
entire first half of U.S. history!

*@realFrederickDouglass*: My keynote speech at Emancipation Memorial was 
highest rated speech with biggest crowd ever! DISHONEST CNN chose not to 
cover it. TERRIBLE!
* *@realFrederickDouglass:* Only thing I have in common 
with @realDonaldTrump is that we both had a bankruptcy and failed 
business! (Freedman's Savings Bank and /New Era/ newspaper). SAD!

*@realFrederickDouglass*: My name is in your mouth yet you got elected 
by KKK whose rise I actively fought in 1868. Excuse me while I roll over 
in my grave. DISASTER!

/**UPDATE 2/2/17: You guys: Getting lots of comments and literally a 
million reads so FYI, this account was never actually on Twitter, or at 
least not by me. They're all tweets I just wrote as satire yesterday in 
this blog post.*/
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