[News] Trump's Supreme Court pick founded club called 'Fascism Forever'

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Thu Feb 2 15:57:18 EST 2017


  Trump's Supreme Court pick founded club called 'Fascism Forever'

February 2, 2017

  * *President Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy left by
    Antonin Scalia is Neil Gorsuch *
  * *DailyMail.com reveals how Gorsuch set up  club called 'Fascism
    Forever' at his prep school outside D.C. in protest at staff's
    left-wing tendencies *
  * *Gorsuch's club was revealed in high school yearbook which also
    featured him reading classic conservative text *
  * *Father of two, 49, prayed with president and Scalia's son, a
    Catholic priest, before being named as nominee on Tuesday night *

Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch founded and led a student 
group called the ‘Fascism Forever Club’ at his elite high school, 
DailyMail.com can reveal.

The club was set up to rally against the ‘left-wing tendencies’ of his 
professors while attending a Jesuit all-boys preparatory high school 
near Washington D.C.

The name may be inconvenient for a Supreme Court nominee facing a tough 
confirmation battle. However it also shows the depth of Gorscuch’s 
right-wing credentials – and his penchant for mischief while attending 
his exclusive prep school in the 1980s.

President Donald Trump 
Gorsuch, a 49-year-old U.S. appellate judge, to replace the late Supreme 
Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Tuesday.

Gorsuch founded the ‘Fascism Forever Club’ during his freshman year at 
Georgetown Preparatory, a now-$30,000-a-year private Jesuit school that 
is one of the most selective in the United States.

He served as president until he graduated in 1985, according to his 
senior yearbook.

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Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil Gorsuch founded and led a student 
group called the ‘Fascism Forever Club’ at his elite high school, 
DailyMail.com can reveal

One yearbook photo showed the high school senior kicking back in a chair 
in a button-down shirt and tie while reading William F. Buckley’s 1959 
book ‘Up from Liberalism', a key text of the conservative movement

  President Donald Trump nominated Gorsuch, a 49-year-old U.S. appellate 
judge, to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Tuesday

Gorsuch founded the ‘Fascism Forever Club’ during his freshman year at 
Georgetown Preparatory, a now-$30,000-a-year private Jesuit school that 
is one of the most selective in the United States

The yearbook described the ‘Fascism Forever Club’ as an anti-faculty 
student group that battled against the 'liberal' views of the school 

‘In political circles, our tireless President Gorsuch’s “Fascism Forever 
Club” happily jerked its knees against the increasingly “left-wing” 
tendencies of the faculty,’ said the yearbook.

It is not the only example of Gorsuch’s early conservative political 
views. One yearbook photo showed the high school senior kicking back in 
a chair in a button-down shirt and tie while reading William F. 
Buckley’s 1959 book ‘Up from Liberalism', a key text of the conservative 

Another photo shows Gorsuch leaning over a railing with his tie undone 
while sticking his tongue out at the camera.

The new Supreme Court pick (seen with Trump after his nomination was 
announced on Monday) served as president until he graduated in 1985, 
according to his senior yearbook

The club was set up to rally against the ‘left-wing tendencies’ of his 
professors while attending a Jesuit all-boys preparatory high school 
near Washington D.C.

Georgetown Preparatory is one of the top all-boys prep schools in the 
United States. This archive shot shows Gorsuch (bottom row on the right) 
as part of a six-boy pyramid

Justice in the making: Another photo shows Gorsuch leaning over a 
railing with his tie undone while sticking his tongue out at the camera

At 49 years old, Gorsuch (pictured left in an archive shot) would be the 
youngest nominee to the Supreme Court in 25 years. He currently lives in 
Boulder, Colorado with his wife

Gorsuch was listed as the editor and founder of The Federalist Paper at 
Columbia University, where he chose a quote from Henry Kissinger to go 
next to his photo

He listed his other student activities as ‘President of the Yard, 
Student Government’ and ‘Lousy Spanish Student.’ He said he was also 
president of a group called the ‘Committee to reform The Beast.’

His senior quote was: ‘I am not an alkie; I never wrote a debate case!’

Gorsuch is shown in another senior photo waving his hand mid-speech 
outside one of the campus buildings while wearing a blue and black tie. 
In another, he is pictured at the bottom of a six-boy pyramid while 
balancing another student on his shoulders.

Georgetown Preparatory is one of the top all-boys prep schools in the 
United States. Former students include Sen. Chris Dodd, a handful of 
U.S. congressmen, and multiple members of the Kennedy family. Current 
tuition is $30,000 a year for day students and $50,000 a year for 
boarding students.

At 49 years old, Gorsuch would be the youngest nominee to the Supreme 
Court in 25 years. He currently lives in Boulder, Colorado with his 
wife, Marie Louise.

The nominee listed his other student activities as ‘President of the 
Yard, Student Government’ and ‘Lousy Spanish Student.’ He said he was 
also president of a group called the ‘Committee to reform The Beast'

Gorsuch’s conservative credentials are well-established and he was 
included on a list of potential Supreme Court picks approved by the 
Heritage Foundation

But the Supreme Court nominee (pictured front, left as a little boy) has 
also drawn criticism from top Democrats who vowed to oppose his nomination

Gorsuch (pictured) is not the first Republican presidential appointment 
in his family

His mother, Anne Gorsuch, was appointed as Environmental Protection 
Agency administrators by President Ronald Reagan in 1981. Gorsuch is 
pictured in an archive photo

Gorsuch’s conservative credentials are well-established and he was 
included on a list of potential Supreme Court picks approved by the 
Heritage Foundation. His nomination to the Supreme Court by President 
Donald Trump has been praised by prominent right-leaning groups, from 
the Faith and Freedom Coalition to the National Rifle Association. Ralph 
Reed, founder of the Faith and Freedom Coalition

But it has also drawn criticism from top Democrats who vowed to oppose 
his nomination.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has already said she will object to Gorsuch’s 
appointment, saying he was chosen ‘by far right activist groups that 
were financed by big business interests.’

Rep. Nancy Pelosi called Gorsuch ‘well outside the mainstream of 
American legal thought’ and Sen. Bernie Sanders said the nominee will 
have to ‘explain his hostility to women's rights, support of 
corporations over workers and opposition to campaign finance reform.’

Gorsuch is not the first Republican presidential appointment in his 
family. His mother, Anne Gorsuch, was appointed as Environmental 
Protection Agency administrators by President Ronald Reagan in 1981.

While at the agency, Anne Gorsuch oversaw massive budget cuts at the EPA 
and attempted rollbacks of the Clean Air Act.

She was also reportedly quite glamorous – the Washington Post 
her as a woman with ‘television-star looks and perfect manicures’ who 
‘wore fur coats and smoked two packs of Marlboros a day.’

Anne Gorsuch came under fire for her conservative policies, and served 
for just two years before resigning after clashing with congress over 
subpoenaed records.

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