[News] OAS Calls for Honduran Election to be Redone

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Mon Dec 18 17:39:49 EST 2017


  OAS Calls for Honduran Election to be Redone

Published 18 December 2017

The Organization of American States, OAS, called for a new round of 
elections Sunday to guarantee voter rights are being respected and the 
procedure is being observed.

    Honduras Election Court Sides With 'Fraud' Candidate Hernandez as
    Protests Rage On

The Electoral Tribunal announced Sunday, the results of the recount, 
saying presidential candidate and incumbent leader, Juan Orlando 
Hernandez had won by 1.53 percentage points.

However, the OAS electoral observer mission said Sunday that though it 
could not confirm that the election had been “intentionally 
manipulated," the process was filled with suspicious inconsistencies.

“The people of Honduras deserve an electoral process that confers them 
democratic quality and guarantees,” said OAS Secretary General Luis 
Almagro in a statement. He added: “The electoral process that the 
tribunal concluded today clearly did not provide that."

The OAS said the only way for the Hondurans to be properly represented 
and for the victor to reflect the votes of the people would be to 
conduct a new election that adheres to the strictest measure of the law.

The inconsistencies of the TSE’s review process were discussed during a 
late press conference with the Electoral Observation Mission, EOM. 
According to the foreign delegation, the 82 experts had not ensured that 
the necessary precautions had not been taken to guarantee it’s integrity.

The OAS observers encouraged Hondurans to “remain calm and act 
responsibly," assuring that the issue will be resolved, denouncing the 
number of deaths and injuries which have resulted from a series of 
violent protests around the nation.

However, the European Union election observers have stated they did not 
encounter any irregularities in the process.

    Fraud Before, During and After the Elections

“After comparing a large random sample of voting records provided to us 
by the Alliance and the original records published on the tribunal’s 
website, the mission observed that the results presented practically no 
differences,” said Jose Antonio de Gabriel, the adjunct head of the EU’s 

For his part, the opposition candidate, Santiago Nasralla, expressed 
through a video posted on Facebook that "It is clear that there was 
fraud before, during and after the elections. (...) The President of the 
Republic at this moment is an impostor, and the Honduran people know it ".

Nasralla called for a resurgence of protests Monday. The leftist 
candidate arrives in the United States and plans to meet with Almagro as 
well as members of the State Department and human rights organizations 
to denounce the alleged fraudulent elections and solve the current 
political crisis.

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