[News] Bolivia's Evo Morales Warns Against US Plan to 'Recolonize' Latin America

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Thu Aug 10 11:17:10 EDT 2017


  Evo Morales Warns Against US Plan to 'Recolonize' Latin America

August 8, 2017

Bolivian President Evo Morales 
on Tuesday took to Twitter to state that the United States is planning 
to “recolonize” Latin America.

The socialist Indigenous leader cited Venezuela 
as being the strategic link behind the scheme, of which “the empire has 
initiated a wide-scale battle to recolonize Latin America and the 

In another tweet, Morales emphasized that the United States utilizes the 
same pretexts to justify their objective, including support for 
“democracy,” combating “terrorism” and fighting “narcotrafficking,” 
among others.

He added that mainstream corporate media outlets replicate the same 
according to La Radio del Sur.

After delineating the threat, Morales urged all troops in the region to 
remain alert to defend their sovereignty and independence.

On Sunday, the people of Bolivia celebrated 192 years of independence. 
In doing so, Morales expressed gratitude towards the multiethnic and 
pluricultural nation and the country's signing of the Independence Act 
in 1825, which made Bolivia a sovereign, independent country.

Earlier, Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera emphasized that the 
greatest tribute to independence is to continue the transformation of 
the Indigenous-majority country, which was initiated in recent years by 
the political coalition Movement for Socialism.

Since Morales took office in 2006, Bolivia has undergone a dramatic 
restructuring of its socio-political agenda. After nationalizing its 
natural resource sector and liberating itself from foreign magnates, the 
country has improved its education, healthcare and social security systems.

Once known as one of most underdeveloped nations in the region, the 
country is now a leader in terms of its domestic economy. Earlier this 
year, Morales stressed that Bolivia had achieved complete independence 
from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, which for many 
years dictated the economic destiny of the country.

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