[News] US Hands Off Haiti's Election - Solidarity with Haiti's Popular Movement

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Mon Sep 12 16:39:11 EDT 2016


  U.S. Hands Off Haiti's Election

*Call to Action – Sept. 30, 2016
7th International Day in Solidarity with Haiti*

In January, 68 grassroots organizations issued a Call for Solidarity 
from Haiti’s popular movement 
<http://trk.cp20.com/click/ch0v7-45molq-2k0awxe5/>(“We will not obey”). 
In response, friends of Haiti are having public events in many cities on 
Sept. 30, the 25^th anniversary of the first US-backed military coup 
against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Organizers call it the 7^th International Day in Solidarity with Haiti; 
the earlier six “international days” took place in 107 cities in 29 
countries on five continents beginning in 2005. *In Oakland we’re having 
a* *street demonstration with music and drums on Fri. 9/30, 4:30 PM at 
14th & Broadway, and a public event on Sun. 10/2, 3:00 PM at Eastside 
Arts, 2277 International Blvd, with the theme: “US Hands Off Haiti!”*

The irresistible momentum of Haiti’s non-stop mass movement – with tens 
of thousands in the streets almost daily for many months – has forced 
annulment of the fraudulent 2015 elections. The new election date is 
October 9, 2016. But the U.S. Embassy and its allies are still scheming 
to block Haiti’s most popular political party, /Fanmi Lavalas/, and 
thwart the popular will in this election.

That’s why it’s so important for friends of Haiti to do what you’ve done 
six times before on these “International Days” – *organize public events 
in support of the fighting people of Haiti – on or about Friday, Sept. 
30. These actions – from street demonstrations to public or house 
meetings, musical events, radio shows, vigils and film showings – are 
all locally organized. So it’s up to you to make this happen in your town. *

In 2015, after being excluded for 11 years since a second US-sponsored 
military coup in 2004, the /Lavalas/ party was finally able to run 
candidates again, headed by Maryse Narcisse for President. Ever since, 
huge crowds all over Haiti have welcomed Dr. Narcisse (and Aristide) and 
her grassroots campaign. [Video: Aristide and Maryse Narcisse 
campaigning <http://trk.cp20.com/click/ch0v7-45molr-2k0awxe6/>, 
surrounded by marching crowds, 8/29/16] Just like they marched to stop 
the brazen attempt to steal the 2015 elections and impose a US-favored 

*Over 200 years ago, Haitians rose up and overthrew both slavery and 
colonial rule. Now, when the enemies of freedom and sovereignty are 
attempting to re-colonize and re-enslave Haiti, we need to act in 
solidarity with our Haitian comrades, in the spirit of their fierce 
resistance. *Join us in raising their just demands: **

*1) Free and fair elections!* [Scheduled for October 9, 2016.]**

*2) No US, UN or OAS interference in the elections!* [They were involved 
in the fraud last time!] Respect Haiti’s sovereignty!

*3) Stop the terror campaign against the poor majority* and the Lavalas 
popular movement! End the brutal US/UN foreign military occupation!

*4) Rebuilding Haiti the way the Haitian 99% want it built *– Paying a 
living wage in the factories instead of sweatshop wages … Restoring 
farming self-sufficiency so Haiti can feed itself again … Real Haitian 
control of mineral resources and aid funds … Jobs, schools, housing, 
clean water and health care for the people! … In short, the program of 
Aristide’s Lavalas movement and its Presidential candidate, Dr. Maryse 

This is a critical time for Haiti.*Let us know what events you’re 
planning for Sept. 30, so we can publicize them and build momentum* *for 
the 7th International Day.***Contact us: haitiaction at sonic.net 
<mailto:haitiaction at sonic.net>or 510 847 8657 for assistance, speakers, 
films, materials.” Haiti Action on Facebook     @HaitiAction1

Resources (click on the links):

• Why it is important to remember Sept. 30, 1991 
• S.F. Labor Council Resolution in solidarity with Haiti 
• Haiti Action Committee   (Aug. 2016 Newsletter) 
• Film: Haiti: We Must Kill the Bandits, Kevin Pina 

/*Previous International Days in Solidarity with Haiti, 2005-2015 – 
Actions in 107 cities in 29 countries on 5 continents*
*#1 – Sept. 30, 2005* demonstrations shined a light on massacres by 
Brazilian-led United Nations troops in Cite Soleil, Bel Air and other 
strongholds of the Lavalas popular movement … *#2 – Feb. 7, 2007*, 
commemorating the date in 1986 when dictator “Baby Doc” Duvalier was 
forced to leave the country by the tremendous mass movement of Haiti’s 
poor majority – called Lavalas (flash flood) and led by a parish priest, 
Jean-Bertrand Aristide … *#3 – Feb. 29, 2008,* commemorating the date in 
2004 when US, French and Canadian military invaded Haiti, kidnapping 
President Aristide from his home after midnight and flying him to exile 
in Africa on a US military plane … *#4 – Jan. 2010* – Haiti emergency 
earthquake solidarity week….*#5 – Feb. 28, 2014* … *#6 – Dec. 16, 2015*, 
commemorating the date of Haiti’s first free election in 1990, when 
Father Aristide swept into the Presidency with 2/3 of the vote, on a 
platform of social & economic justice for the poor majority – only to be 
overthrown 7 months later in a US-backed military coup on 9/30/1991.

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