[News] All Guantánamo is Ours,Premiering in San Francisco - Saturday, July 23 at 7:30p

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Jul 19 10:24:02 EDT 2016

/*All Guantánamo is Ours*/
*Premiering in ***
San Francisco, Washington DC and Boston Area

Coinciding with the celebration of July 26, marking the anniversary of 
the beginning of the Cuban Revolution, the International Committee for 
Peace, Justice and Dignity along with other organizations, will be 
featuring the new Cuban film *"All Guantánamo is Ours"* in San 
Francisco, Washington DC and in Boston.

The 37 minute film with English subtitles will be an opportunity for 
people to learn about how the Cuban people feel about the US Naval base 
in Guantanamo and their desire for its return.

After the film at each event there will be a panel discussion on 
Guantanamo, and the current state of US/Cuba relations.

San Francisco

*Saturday July 23, 2016, 7:30 to 9:30 PM*
*The Eric Quezada Center for
Culture and Politics
518 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA*
*Panel **Discussion*

  * *Jane Franklin*, an internationally acclaimed historian and peace
    and justice activist. The author of several books on Cuba and
    Panama, she has published in periodicals including The Nation and
    The Progressive, and appears frequently on radio and TV as a
    commentator about U.S.-Cuba relations.
  * *Walter Turner*, President of the Board of Directors of Global
    Exchange, Coordinator of Global Exchange's Cuba Program, Professor
    of Social Sciences College of Marin, Host of weekly radio program on
    KPFA "Africa Today" and member of the Board of Directors of Freedom
  * Chair and moderator, *Chelis Lopez* from Radio Bilingue & KPOO and
    *Alicia Jrapko*, U.S. Coordinator, International Committee for
    Peace, Justice and Dignity.

*Cosponsored by* the International Committee for Peace, Justice and 
Dignity, the National Network on Cuba (NNOC), Marin Tasks Force on the 
Americas, KPOO Radio Station, Freedom Archives, Global Exchange, 
Altruvistas, and Richmond-Regla Friendship Committee.
*For updated program information click here 
Washington DC

*Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 6:30 to 8:30 PM*
*The Festival Center*
*1640 Columbia Road NW*
*Washington, DC *
*Panel Discussion***

  * *Sue Udry*, Bill of Rights Defense Committee/Defending Dissent
  * *Mavis Anderson*, Senior Associate, Latin American Working Group
  * Moderator, *Netfa Freeman*from the Institute for Policy Studies and
    the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity

*Cosponsored by* the Institute for Policy Studies, International 
Committee for Peace Justice and Dignity, DC National Lawyers Guild, 
CodePink, National Network on Cuba (NNOC), Bill of Rights Defense 
Committee/Defending Dissent Foundation, Latin America Working Group, and 
DC-Metro Coalition In Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution.

*For updated program information click here 

*Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 6:45 to 8:30 PM*
*Brookline Library *
*Coolidge Corner - Meeting Room*
*31 Pleasant Street*
*Brookline, MA *

*Panel **Discussion*

  * *Peter Miller*, Community Media and Technology Researcher who
    traveled to Cuba in April on a community technology delegation.
  * *Nancy Kohn*, International Committee for Peace, Justice and
    Dignity, delegate to the /IV International Seminar for Peace and
    Abolition of Foreign Military Bases/ in November 2015, in
    Guantanamo, Cuba.

*Cosponsored by* Brookline PAX, the July 26th Coalition, the 
International Committee For Peace, Justice and Dignity and the National 
Network on Cuba (NNOC).

*For updated program information click here 

*All Guantanamo is Ours*, directed by Colombian journalist and writer,
*Hernando Calvo Ospina,* has been produced by Resumen Latinoamericano 
and the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity.

To get a copy of the the film write to: *info at TheInternationalCommittee.org*
or download and complete the following form 

International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
510-219-0092 | info at TheInternationalCommittee.org | Website 

Freedom Archives 522 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415 
863.9977 www.freedomarchives.org
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