[News] Israeli troops kill 10, wound 21 Palestinians during the past week

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jan 15 13:20:48 EST 2016

  PCHR Weekly Report: Israeli troops kill 10, wound 21 Palestinians
  during the past week

author Friday January 15, 2016 00:26author by PCHR-Gaza

    In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the
    Occupied Palestinian Territories for the week of 07- 13 January
    2016, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that
    Israeli forces continued to use excessive force in the Occupied
    Palestinian Territories. Nine Palestinian civilians, including two
    children, were killed, and one armed resistance fighter was killed
    by Israeli troops.

21 Palestinian civilians, including 4 children, were wounded in the West 
Bank and Gaza Strip. Israeli forces conducted 72 incursions into 
Palestinian communities in the West Bank and a limited one in the 
southern Gaza Strip. 64 Palestinian civilians, including 8 children, 
were abducted.

Israeli attacks in the West Bank:

During the past week, Israeli forces killed nine Palestinians in the 
West Bank.

In two separate crimes of excessive use of force, on 07 January 2016, 
Israeli forces killed four civilians, including a child; all of whom are 
from Sa’ir village, north of Hebron. Israeli forces claimed that the 
four civilians attempted to stab Israeli soldiers.

According to PCHR’s investigations on the first crime, at approximately 
20:00, on the abovementioned day, Israeli forces deployed around “Gosh 
Etzion” settlement compound, south of Bethlehem, shot dead three 
Palestinian civilians, from Sa’ir village. The killed civilians were 
identified as Ahmed Salem Abdul Majid Kawazbah (19), Alaa Abed Mohammed 
Kawazbah (19) and Mohammed Zeyad Kawazbah (18).

According to PCHR’s investigations on the other crime, at approximately 
22:0, on the abovementioned day, Israeli forces deployed at the western 
entrance to Sa’ir village “Beit Aynoun”, east of Hebron, shot dead 
Khalil Mohammed Shalaldah (16).

Additionally, in excessive use of force, on 09 January 2016, Israeli 
forces stationed at al-Hamrah checkpoint, southeast of Tubas, killed two 
Palestinian civilians claiming that one of them attempted to stab 
Israeli soldiers searching cars at the aforementioned checkpoint. The 
killed civilians were identified as Ali Mohammed Hajj Mohammed (21), 
from al-Jadidah village, southeast of Jenin, a third year student at 
al-Quds Open University; and Sa’id Jawdat Abu al-Wafa (38), from 
al-Zawiya village, south of Jenin.

On 12 January 2016, Israeli forces killed Srour Abu Srour (19), a 
student at al-Quds Open University, from Ayda refugee camp, north of 
Bethlehem. Israeli soldiers opened fire at dozens of Palestinian 
civilians after the former moved into Beit Jala. It should be noted that 
Srour was killed while going back home from university.

On the same day afternoon, Israeli forces stationed at the eastern 
entrance to Beit Aynoun village that has been closed for a month with an 
iron gate, killed Adnan Mashni (17), from al-Shyoukh village, east of 
Hebron, and Mohammed Kawazbah (23), from Sa’ir village, east of the 
city. Israeli forces claimed that one of the two aforementioned persons 
attempted to stab an Israeli soldier.

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces a member of a Palestinian armed group 
and wounded 14 others, including two children and two members of an 
armed group. The aforementioned person was killed and three others were 
wounded, one of whom is civilian, when Israeli forces targeted members 
of an armed group, north of the Gaza Strip. The remaining others were 
wounded during peaceful protests near the border fence between the Gaza 
Strip and Israel.

On 13 January 2016, Israeli forces stationed at the coastal border area, 
northwest of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, fired a shell at 
members of a Palestinian armed group that was carrying out a combat 
activity on the beach. As a result, one of them named Mousa Abu Z’aitar, 
from Jabalia refugee camp, was wounded with many shrapnel to the left 
side of the chest and was immediately killed. Moreover, two armed 
members sustained shrapnel wounds throughout their bodies and a fish 
trader sustained shrapnel wounds to the left side.

As part of Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians, on 11 January 
2016, Israeli gunboats stationed off the west of Beit Lahia village, 
north of the Gaza Strip, opened fire around Palestinian fishing boats 
sailing within three nautical miles. They also chased some of them and 
pumped water over them to get them drowned. However, neither casualties 
nor material damage were reported.

On 08 January 2016, Israeli forces demolished a house belonging to 
Shafiq Mohammed Halabi in al-Basateen neighbourhood, northwest of Sarda 
village, north of Rmallah. It should be noted that the son of the 
aforementioned person named Mohanned (20) carried out a stabbing attack 
against settlers in the Old City in East Jerusalem on Saturday, 03 
October 2015.

During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 72 
military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 6 
ones in occupied East Jerusalem. During these incursions, Israeli forces 
abducted at least 64 Palestinian civilians, including eight children. 
Twelve of these civilians, including four children, were abducted in 
East Jerusalem.

During the reporting period, on 11 January 2016, Israeli forces raided 
Birzeit University, north of Ramallah. They detained the university 
security officers and then raided the offices of the student blocs and 
Student Council, from which they confiscated their contents.

In the context of house demolitions and demolition notices issued on 
grounds of non-licensing construction works, on Thursday, 07 January 
2016, bulldozers of the Israeli municipality demolished an 
under-construction house in Silwan village, south of East Jerusalem, 
belonging to Nadia Abu Diab under the pretext of building without a 
licence. Abu Diab said to PCHR’s fieldworker that Israeli forces 
demolished her house without a prior notice.

Israeli forces moved then into Karm al-Shaikh area in Ein al-Louza 
neighbourhood. They demolished another 2-storey under-construction house 
belonging to Suleiman Abu Diab. The building consisted of foundations 
and pillars for two unroofed floors.

On the same day evening, Israeli forces accompanied by municipality 
bulldozers raided the Mediterranean Restaurant near Beit Safafa village, 
west of occupied East Jerusalem. They demolished parts of the Restaurant 
that were attached by its owner to the main building three months ago.

On Sunday, 10 January 2016, the Israeli municipality officers delivered 
an administrative demolition order issued against an under-construction 
residential building in al-Thawri neighbourhood, south of the Old City 
in East Jerusalem, belonging to Mousa Mohammed al-Abasi under the 
pretext of non-licensing. Al-Abasi said that the municipality officers 
handed over to him a demolition order against a 2-storey building. The 
first floor is a garage that was built four years ago, while the 
230-square-meter second floor consists of two apartments.

As part of the punitive measures taken against the city residents, on 10 
January 2016, a number of Palestinian civilians residing in East 
Jerusalem were surprised to find their National Insurance allocations 
suspended for no legal justification. It should be noted the persons, 
whose National Insurance was suspended, were abducted by Israeli forces 
from al-Aqsa Mosque and then deported upon decisions issued by the 
Israeli police and intelligence service. Israeli forces classified these 
persons as members of the “Morabetoun and Morabetat” banned organization 
upon an order from Moshe Yaalon, the Israeli Defence Minister.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

In the Gaza Strip, on 13 January 2016, Israeli forces moved about 100 
meters to the east of al-Qararah village, east of Khan Yunis, south of 
the Gaza Strip. They levelled lands that were already levelled 
previously and withdrew later.

On 11 January, at approximately 22:30, Israeli gunboats stationed off 
the Equestrian Club, west of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip, 
heavily opened fire and fired shells in the vicinity of Palestinian 
fishing boats sailing within 3 nautical miles. The gunboats also chased 
and pumped water at the boats in an attempt to sink them. The shooting 
which continued for 30 minutes caused fear among fishermen who were 
forced to flee. Neither casualties nor damages were reported.

Israeli settlement activities:

Israeli Settlement activities continued in the West Bank. A plant 
nursery, south of Nablus, was demolished, and “Mevo Dotan” settlement’s 
checkpoint, southwest of Jenin, was expanded.

On 12 January 2016, Israeli forces expanded and fortified “Mevo Dotan” 
military checkpoint that is established on the bypass road between Jenin 
and the northern villages of Tulkarm, southwest of Jenin, opposite to 
“Mevo Dotan” settlement. According to PCHR’s investigations, Israeli 
forces levelled lands around the checkpoint and established fortifications.

On Wednesday, 13 January 2016, Israeli forces moved into al-Saweya 
village, south of Nablus. The Israeli bulldozers levelled 500 meters of 
a plant nursery and damaged the plants inside. The overall area of the 
plant nursery is a dunum[1] and a half.

On Wednesday, 13 January 2016, Israeli forces accompanied by Civil 
Administration vehicle and a bulldozer moved into Kherbet al-Rahwah, 
south of al-Daheriya village, south of Hebron. The Civil Administration 
officers confiscated solar panels used in generating electricity, while 
the bulldozer demolished a 30-square-meter residential tent and a 
50-saure-meter livestock barn belonging to Rajeh Farhan al-Samamrah (40).

Israeli attacks on non-violent demonstrations:

Israeli troops continued the use of excessive force against peaceful 
demonstrations protesting settlement activities and the construction of 
the annexation wall on their land.

At approximately 13:00 on Friday, 08 January 2016, dozens of Palestinian 
young men headed to the border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, 
east of al-Shuja’iya neighbourhood, east of the Gaza Strip. A number of 
protesters approached the fence, set fire to rubber tires and threw 
stones at the Israeli forces stationed along the fence. Due to this, the 
Israeli forces sporadically fired live bullets and tear gas canisters at 
the protesters. As a result, five civilians were wounded. Two of them 
were hit with live bullets, while the three others were hit with 
rubber-coated metal bullets.

At approximately 14:00, Israeli forces stationed at Beit Hanoun (Erez) 
crossing, northwest of Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip, fired live 
bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters at dozens of 
young men, who were on the road between the Palestinian and Israeli 
sides of the crossing. The protesters threw stones at the soldiers in 
protest at the Israeli attacks against the Palestinian civilians in 
Jerusalem and the West Bank. As a result of the clashes which continued 
until 17:30, three civilians, including a child, were wounded. Two of 
them were hit with live bullets to the lower limbs, while the third one 
was hit with a rubber-coated metal bullet to the head.

Around the same time, dozens of Palestinian young men headed to the 
border fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of al-Bureij 
refugee camp, in the centre of the Gaza Strip. The protesters threw 
stones at the soldiers stationed behind the sand barriers along the 
fence, due to which, the Israeli soldiers opened fire at them. As a 
result, two civilians, including a child, were wounded with live 
bullets. They were then taken to al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Balah to 
receive medical treatment. Medical sources at the hospital classified 
the injury of the child as serious and identified the wounded as: Saif 
al-Deen Jihad al-Hour (16). He was hit with a live bullet to the lower 
back; and Jihad ‘Atia al-Qirnawi (22). He was hit with a live bullet to 
the left thigh.

At approximately 15:00, dozens of young men headed to the border fence 
between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of al-Farahin area, east of Khan 
Younis, south of the Gaza Strip. A number of protesters approached the 
border fence, set fire to rubber tire, raised the Palestinian flags and 
threw stones at the soldiers stationed along the fence. Due to this, the 
Israeli soldiers sporadically fired live bullets and tear gas canisters 
at the protesters until the evening. As a result, Farid Shawqi Hussain 
Abu Ishaq (29), sustained minor wounds to the hand. He was then taken to 
the European Gaza Hospital to receive medical treatment.

Following the Friday prayer, on 08 January 2016, in spite of the bad 
weather, dozens of Palestinian civilians and Israeli and international 
human rights defenders organized a demonstration in protest at the 
Israeli settlement in Bil’in and Ni’lin villages, west of Ramallah. The 
Israeli forces used force to disperse the protesters by firing live 
bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets, tear gas canisters and sound bombs 
at the protesters and chased them into agricultural fields. As a result, 
many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation and others sustained bruises 
as Israeli soldiers beat them up.

At approximately 15:00 on Saturday, 09 January 2016, Palestinian 
civilians and Israeli and international human rights defenders organized 
a protest in the centre of Kufor Qaddoum village, northeast of Qalqilia, 
and made their way to the eastern entrance of the village in protest 
against closing that entrance since the beginning of al-Aqsa Intifada 
with an iron gate. When the protesters approached the entrance, Israeli 
forces fired live bullets at them. As a result, Maher Mahmoud Suliman 
(60) was hit with a live bullet to the thigh.

Recommendations to the international community:

Due to the number and severity of Israeli human rights violations this 
week, the PCHR made several recommendations to the international 
community. Among these were a recommendation that the international 
community and the United Nations to use all available means to allow the 
Palestinian people to enjoy their right to self-determination, through 
the establishment of the Palestinian State, which was recognized by the 
UN General Assembly with a vast majority, using all international legal 
mechanisms, including sanctions to end the occupation of the State of 

In addition, the PCHR calls upon the United Nations to provide 
international protection to Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian 
Territories, and to ensure the non-recurrence of aggression against the 
Occupied Palestinian Territories, especially the Gaza Strip.

For the full text of the report, click on the link below:

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