[News] Grandson of Chile's Salvador Allende Demands Kissinger's Arrest

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Mon Dec 12 11:12:30 EST 2016


  Grandson of Chile's Salvador Allende Demands Kissinger's Arrest

December 11, 2016

As the legacy of Chile’s former CIA-backed dictator Augusto Pinochet 
still haunts 
the South American country 10 years after his death, a grandson of 
ousted socialist President Salvador Allende called on Norwegian 
authorities Sunday to arrest former U.S. Secretary of State Henry 
Kissinger during his visit to the Scandinavian nation for his support of 
the 1973 coup in Chile and the brutal repression it unleashed.

Pablo Sepulveda Allende’s call joined the voices of thousands who have 
demanded Kissinger’s arrest in Norway 
since the Nobel Peace Prize Committee announced that the notorious 
hardline former national security heavyweight — who oversaw an expansion 
of war in Vietnam and Southeast Asia and U.S. intervention in Latin 
America — would deliver a speech on peace in Oslo on Sunday, a day after 
the awards ceremony.

“When a government claims to defend peace and human rights like Norway 
does,” wrote Sepulveda in a letter, “is it too much to ask that a war 
criminal with direct responsibility for genocide, torture and military 
coups be declared persona non grata or be detained and stand trial 
according to international law?”

Kissinger, who has a notorious track record of supporting U.S. 
dictatorships, torture and brutal counterinsurgency strategy in Latin 
America, was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize together with his 
Vietnamese counterpart Le Duc Tho in 1973 — the same year the 
then-secretary of state backed a coup against Chile’s Allende.

In the letter, titled “Dear Norway, arrest Henry Kissinger, the man that 
planned the coup d’etat in which my grandfather was killed,” Sepulveda 
added that he was “shocked” by the “tribute” to Kissinger that he argued 
“belittles millions of victims” of the former secretary of state’s abuses.

He noted that Kissinger, together with the CIA, supported and helped 
orchestrate “political terror campaigns and murder of leftist, 
Indigenous people, trade unionists and others who stood in the way of 
U.S. objectives for control of the region."

In the days immediately following the 1973 coup that installed the 
brutal dictatorship 
of General Augusto Pinochet, military intelligence agents rounded up and 
killed or tortured thousands of supporters of Allende’s socialism. Over 
the 17 years of his Pinochet's bloody rule, the military regime killed 
or disappeared more than 3,200 people and tortured more than 28,000.

Meanwhile, across Latin America, a CIA-backed Dirty War known as 
Operation Condor 
<http://www.telesurtv.net/english/opinion/Operation-Condor-Cross-Border-Disappearance-and-Death-20150523-0031.html>, aimed 
at wiping out opposition to U.S.-supported dictatorships in the 1970s 
and 1980s, killed and forcibly disappeared an estimated 50,000 people 
across Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

“Norway opened its doors to thousands of Chileans who fled the regime in 
terror,” continued Sepulveda in his letter. “That’s why it is 
incomprehensible that Kissinger be received and honored in Norway on the 
occasion of awarding the Nobel Peace Prize.”

Kissinger attended the awards ceremony Saturday, where Colombian 
President Juan Manuel Santos received the Nobel Peace Prize 
for his work negotiating a landmark peace agreement with the country’s 
largest rebel army, the FARC. Representatives of the FARC were not 
recognized for their role in ending the 52-year-old internal armed 
conflict, nor were they invited to the ceremony.

Human rights groups have repeatedly called for Kissinger to face charges 
for war crimes. The U.S. anti-war coalition CodePink has attempted to 
perform a citizen’s arrest against Kissinger, while most recently the 
organization RootsAction has spearheaded a petition 
calling for his arrest in Norway. The petition had garnered over 6,700 
signatures by Sunday, the day of Kissinger’s controversial scheduled 
speech in Oslo.

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