[News] This is just the beginning - DAPL Easement Denied, But The Fight's Not Over

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Dec 5 12:20:40 EST 2016


  DAPL Easement Denied, But The Fight's Not Over

December 5, 2016

Tara Houska, National Campaigns Director of Honor the Earth says, “The 
original peoples of these lands fought with all of our hearts against 
injustice and won. We have been maced, tased, demeaned, hit with water 
cannons in below freezing temperatures, we stand with the strength of 
our ancestors before us. The inaction from the administration and media 
was answered by our refusal to back down. Let this send a message around 
the world: we are still here. We are empowered. We are not sacrifice 
zones. Mni wiconi, water is life.”

Eryn Wise of the International Indigenous Youth Council says, “We've 
been fighting this fight our whole lives and now there is no doubt in 
our minds that our generation can change the future. We know that the 
next presidency stands to jeopardize our work but we are by no means 
backing down. We will continue protecting everywhere we go and we will 
continue to stand for all our relations. We say Lila wopila to everyone 
who has supported the resurgence of indigenous nations. This is just the 

Dallas Goldtooth of the Indigenous Environmental Network says, “Today, 
the Obama Administration has told us they are not granting the final 
easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline. This is not just an amazing 
victory for Standing Rock and the Oceti Sakowin  -- but also for the 
many other Tribal Nations, grassroots Indigenous communities and 
millions of Americans around the country who have stood in solidarity 
with us here in person, at rallies around the country, and through phone 
calls and letters. This is a victory for organizing, and it doesn't stop 
now. We are asking our supporters to keep up the pressure, because while 
President Obama has granted us a victory today, that victory isn't 
guaranteed in the next administration. More threats are likely in the 
year to come, and we cannot stop until this pipeline is completely and 
utterly defeated, and our water and climate are safe.”

LaDonna Allard, Director of the Sacred Stone Camp, says, “I was asked, 
“When do you consider this pipeline issue to be over?” I said, when 
every pipe is out of the ground and the earth is repaired across the 
United States. I am not negotiating, I am got backing down. I must stand 
for our grandchildren and for the water.”

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