[News] Venezuelan President Responds to Latest US Accusations

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Tue Mar 10 11:58:54 EDT 2015

  Venezuelan President Responds to Latest US Accusations

President Nicolas Maduro responds to Washington’s latest sanctions.


The Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro responded late Monday to the 
United States government declaring his country a“national security 

Maduro rejected President Barack Obama's measure and explained the 
executive order signed by the U.S. president coincided with a failed 
coup attempt 
in Venezuela last month, which had links to U.S. citizens.

“After we dismantled the coup attempt … the U.S. and President Barack 
Obama … decided to personally fulfill the task of ousting my 
government,” Maduro said.

The Venezuelan head of state said that, according to intelligence 
reports he had received recently, over the last nine days, “many 
meetings were held between the Department of State and the White House,” 
to discuss measures to be taken against his government.

*READ MORE:* What does it mean for the U.S. to claim a country is a 
security threat? 

Highlighting the hypocrisy of Obama’s executive order, Maduro called the 
statement “a Frankenstein, a monster,” as on the one hand it heavily 
criticizes Venezuela, and on the other it ends with Obama vowing to 
build a better relationship with the South American country.

Speaking from the Miraflores Palace, the president described the U.S. 
measure as the most aggressive step taken yet, largely inspired by 
Washington's frustration and desperation.

Maduro further criticized Washington's announcement by pointing out that 
the U.S. is a bigger threat to the world.

“You are the real threat, who trained and created Osama Bin Laden … you 
are the people who created al-Qaida,” said Maduro. Bin Laden was trained 
by the CIA during the late 1970s to fight the Soviet army in Afghanistan.

*READ MORE:* US Labels Venezuela a Threat While Backing Human Rights 

He said that it was a double standard that the U.S President is focused 
on the human rights of Venezuelans: “Defend the human rights of the 
black U.S. citizens being killed in U.S. cities every day, Mr. Obama,” 
he added.

Maduro pointed out that the U.S. has issued 105 statements on Venezuela 
over the past year, of which half were explicitly supporting 
opposition politicians. The Venezuelan president reiterated previous 
calls he had publicly made to his U.S. counterpart, urging him not to 
take the path of intervention that his predecessors took in Latin America.

“I've told Mr. Obama, how do you want to be remembered? Like Richard 
Nixon, who ousted Salvador Allende in Chile? Like President Bush, 
responsible for ousting President Chavez? … Well President Obama, you 
already made your choice … you will be remembered like President Nixon”.

*READ MORE:* US Hypocrisy and the Decision to Label Venezuela a Threat 

According to Venezuela's intelligence sources, Maduro explained, a 
politcal agreement was brokered in December last year, between 
opposition lawmakers and the government, which marked the beginning of 
the coup plot that was thwarted last month. The opposition lawmakers 
broke the agreement after they received a phone call, which Maduro 
revealed Monday came from the U.S. Embassy in Caracas.

By then, the president said, “we knew who had called and from where they 
had called, and in what language they spoke.,”

The Venezuelan authorities were also monitoring a group of rogue 
officials, who they had tracked as a result of intelligence obtained 
from anonymous sources in contact with the U.S. government officials.

“They were trying to re-edit the April 11, 2002 events,” said Maduro, 
highlighting the similarities between recent actions carried by the 
opposition with events leading to the brief coup attempt on President 
Hugo Chavez in 2002.

The president also referred to the role of Carlos Osuna, believed to be 
the mastermind and financier of the coup. Osuna “is in New York, under 
protection of the U.S. government,” he said.

*Historic parallels*

President Maduro also pointed out at the historical parallels in Latin 
American history of similar actions taken by different U.S. 
administrations against left-wing governments.

The rhetoric being used against Venezuela was like that “used against 
Salvador Allende in Chile,” overthrown in a 1973 U.S backed coup and 
like that “against Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala” in 1954 when a 
progressive government was ousted by the US.

The common discourse was described by Maduro as the “coup ideals,” which 
are based on accusing these left-wing democratically elected governments 
of violating rights as a justification to oust them.

The president reiterated that the economic sabotage – used before in 
Allende's Chile – was planned since July 2014 by the U.S. government. 
Sources told the government “there was a meeting in the White House, 
back in July … where they (U.S. government and agencies) decided to 
launch an economic warfare,” the president revealed.

Maduro also reminded Venezuelans that he had warned about the coup 
attempts in the early days of January, during his tour through OPEC 
member countries.

*READ MORE: *Eva Golinger:**US Aggression Against Venezuela Fact Not 

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