[News] Sat, July 25th 3-5PM Oakland - What's really happening in Haiti and the Dominican Republic?

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jul 23 14:11:08 EDT 2015

*100th Anniversary 1915-1934 US MARINES OCCUPATION OF HAITI*
Report Back from Haiti:
_What's really happening in Haiti and the Dominican Republic?_
*JULY 25th 3-5PM*
*East Side Arts Alliance*
*2277 International Blvd, Oakland*

  * Eyewitness reports from the Haiti-Dominican Republic border about
    mass deportations and ethnic cleansing of Dominicans of Haitian
    origin that threatens all Haitians in the DR
  * Upcoming elections in Haiti - /Fanmi Lavalas/ party able to
    participate for the first time in 15 years. It is widely
    acknowledged in Haiti that in a "free and fair" election, the
    /Lavalas/ candidate, Dr. Maryse Narcisse, would win the presidency.
  * Popular democracy in action - the Aristide Foundation for Democracy

*Watch for the new issue of HAITI SOLIDARITY, newsletter of Haiti Action 
Committee, coming soon*
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