[News] 478 Palestinian Facilities Destroyed by Israel This Year

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Dec 30 19:01:58 EST 2015

  478 Palestinian Facilities Destroyed by Israel This Year

author Thursday December 31, 2015 00:10author by IMEMC News & Agencies

    The Israeli occupation has reportedly destroyed some 478 Palestinian
    facilities, including homes, clinics and historical sites during 2015.

A research centre affiliated to the PLO has documented the demolitions 
which occurred across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, this 
year. Abdullah al-Horani Centre for Research and Documentation said, 
according to Days of Palestine, that there were 247 houses among the 
facilities destroyed by the Israeli occupation.

“The Israeli authorities destroy the houses under different pretexts,” 
explained international lawyer Hanna Issa.

“These include security reasons, a lack of building licences, being 
built near the settlements or across the settlement roads, being built 
on state lands or being built on green areas.”

According to the report, the Israeli policy of destroying houses as well 
as commercial, agricultural and industrial facilities, uprooting 
citizens from their homes and destroying farms is regarded as the 
“ethnic cleansing” of the Palestinians from their land.

The policy is being used by the Israeli occupation as collective 
punishment during the current Al-Quds Intifada.

“Destroying homes is an old/new Israeli policy that is used to empty 
Palestinian lands of Palestinians and replace them with [illegal Jewish] 
settlers,” the report noted.

The most affected areas are places of strategic importance, such as 
occupied Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley.
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