[News] Israel and US betting on the Dahlan horse will only increase the resolve of the Palestinians

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Mar 25 10:53:07 EDT 2014

  Al Jazeera once again removes Joseph Massad article on Palestine

Mon, 03/24/2014 - 19:03

Al Jazeera English has once again removed an article by Columbia 
University professor Joseph Massad 
<http://electronicintifada.net/tags/joseph-massad> hours after 
publishing it.

The article, "The Dahlan Factor," appeared for several hours on the 
Qatar-based broadcaster's website this morning at this link 
but was later removed without explanation (the full article is 
republished below 

The article had been extremely popular, appearing in the fifth spot on 
the website's "What's Hot" section.

In May 2013, there was a major scandal when Al Jazeera English censored 
a previous article 
by Massad, a regular contributor, due to political interference in the 
editorial process 
after the broadcaster came under intense criticism from Zionists.

Following an uproar over the censoring of Massad, his article "The last 
of the Semites 
was restored.

    Removed again

Imad Musa, manager of online for Al Jazeera English, told The Electronic 
Intifada today that he personally took the decision to remove "The 
Dahlan Factor" which looked at the increasingly bitter conflict between 
Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas on the one hand, and the 
Palestinian warlord Muhammad Dahlan 
<http://electronicintifada.net/tags/muhammad-dahlan> on the other.

Musa said that Massad's article "didn't meet our legal standards at all. 
It actually had elements of defamation, slander and libel."

Asked why it had been published in the first place, Musa said, "we do 
have some loopholes in our editorial workflow. But we're only human and 
we make mistakes."

Musa would not provide specific examples of problems with the article, 
restating only that "it contained a series of legal problems which are 
unacceptable to us."

Musa denied that there had been any complaints from outside Al Jazeera 
and said that concerns had been raised internally, before he made the 
final decision to remove the article.

    Massad's response

Massad sent this statement to The Electronic Intifada:

    I sent an article to the editor I deal with at Al Jazeera English,
    Ms. [O.] on Saturday 22 March. She wrote me back within a few hours
    describing the piece as a "most insightful and timely piece." She
    asked me to provide "a few links here and there to support what you

    I promptly did so and sent her back the article with a number of
    links. She was also helpful by sending me one link that she thought
    I would find helpful. I did. I sent her a final copy of the article
    on Sunday 23 March.

    She informed me that "We are having it up tomorrow." This morning
    when I woke up, she had sent me a copyedited version with some
    queries and editorial suggestions. I approved them all. There was a
    suggestion that I remove one paragraph on Egyptian billionaire and
    head of Orascom Communications Naguib Sawires as "out of topic" but
    I refused and explained how it is linked to the Egyptian role in the
    matter at hand.

    The article ran at about 9:30 AM EST but at 10:32 AM I received a
    phone call from Imad Musa who asked me to provide a reference about
    a claim regarding Sawires and asked me to change the language about
    the accusations made by Dahlan and Abbas against one another
    regarding the murder of Arafat.

    I agreed to both suggestions, and sent him a link to the Sawires
    part. He wrote back saying that he prefers not to use the Sawires
    claim. Then I discovered that the article was removed after 1:50 PM.
    I wrote him immediately inquiring about it but he did not answer. I
    received an email from [O.] at 2:03 PM informing me that the piece
    had been removed for legal reasons even though the legal question
    had never come up before and I provided the links to all the claims
    that I made and for which they asked me to provide links.

Asked if he feared that today's removal of Massad's article without any 
public explanation would again appear as censorship, Al Jazeera's Musa 
said he didn't and that Al Jazeera acted with complete "transparency."

Musa was also in charge of Al Jazeera English's website when Massad's 
article was censored last May.

Here is an image 
of Massad's article as it appeared on Al Jazeera English and the full 
text is below.


    Massad's article: The Dahlan factor

*The Israeli and US betting on the Dahlan horse will only increase the 
resolve of the Palestinians and their supporters.*

Last updated: 24 Mar 2014 14:52

Joseph Massad 

Joseph Massad is Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and 
Intellectual History at Columbia University.

/This article was updated to clarify some of the comments made by the 

The recent resurrection of Mohammad Dahlan 
several Arab governments, Israel and the US is a most important 
development for the future of the Palestinian cause, Palestinian 
Authority (PA)-Israel negotiations, and Hamas-ruled Gaza. Dahlan is 
viewed, by many Palestinians, as the most corrupt 
official in the history of the Palestinian national movement (and there 
are many contenders for that title).

Dahlan, it would be recalled, was the PA man in charge of Gaza after the 
Oslo Accords were signed, where he commanded 20,000 Palestinian security 
personnel who were answerable to the CIA and to Israeli intelligence. 
His forces would torture 
Hamas members in PA dungeons throughout the 1990s.

His corruption, at the time, was such that he allegedly diverted over 40 
percent of taxes levied against the Palestinians to his personal account 
in what became known as the Karni Crossing Scandal 
<http://www.al-akhbar.com/node/203158> in 1997.

Dahlan, who has been accused repeatedly by both Hamas and Fatah of being 
an agent 
of US, Israeli, Egyptian, and Jordanian intelligence, would attempt to 
stage a US-organised coup against the democratically elected Hamas 
government in 2007 in Gaza, an attempt that backfired on him and ended 
with his eviction from the Strip (I had forewarned about the coup 
several months before it occurred 

A simultaneous coup led by Abbas and his Israeli- and US-backed security 
forces in the West Bank was successful in dislodging the elected Hamas 
from power. Dahlan retreated to that mainstay of US and Israeli power, 
namely the PA-controlled West Bank, where he began to hatch new plots 
with his multiple patrons to undermine not only Hamas but also Abbas, 
whose position he begrudged and coveted.

Indeed the Americans and the European Union (the latter on US orders) 
began to pressure Abbas to appoint Dahlan as his deputy 
making it clear that they would like to see Dahlan succeed Abbas. Abbas 
resisted the pressure and refused.

In the meantime, Dahlan, has been accused by Hamas and the PA of 
allegedly plotting several assassination attempts that targeted several 
Palestinian officials, including Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyyah 
and Fatah ministers in the PA. Accusations that he persistently denied. 
His involvement 
in the 2010 Mossad assassination of a Hamas official in Dubai included 
having two of his Palestinian death squad hit men (later arrested by 
Dubai authorities) assist in the operation, a charge he also denied 
His personal wealth was conservatively estimated in 2005 by an Israeli 
think tank at $120m 

Once Dahlan's schemes became too obvious to ignore, Abbas stripped him 
of power and chased him out of the Ramallah Green Zone in 2010. He moved 
to Mubarak's Egypt and later, following the ouster of Mubarak, to Dubai 
(and on occasion Europe) where he remained until his more recent 
resurrection by the heirs of Mubarak who now sit on Egypt's throne.

      A man for all patrons

Dahlan's power lies in his ability to serve the agenda of multiple 
patrons. For the Israelis, he is a ruthless, corrupt power-grubbing man 
who would do their bidding obediently were he to come to power in Gaza 
or the West Bank. Both the Americans and the Israelis see him as 
especially willing to sign on an American-sponsored Netanyahu deal 
without equivocation.

For the Egyptians and the Gulf monarchies (and he is said to be a 
business partner with a Gulf ruler), he would look after their interests 
and obey their orders by eliminating any resistance to a US-imposed 
Palestinian final surrender to Israel and by eliminating Hamas once and 
for all.

For the Egyptian coup leaders, whose coup replicated Dahlan's 2007 Gaza 
coup, except successfully, he could rid them of Hamas, which they see as 
an extension of the power of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), and render 
their relations with Israel even closer than they already are. Dahlan's 
most important role, however, is the one that the Americans need him 
for, namely, to replace Abbas should the latter fail to sign on to the 
final surrender that Barack Obama and John Kerry have been cooking at 
the behest of Netanyahu in the past few months.

Just as George Bush Jr and Bill Clinton terminated the services of 
Arafat after the latter proved unable to sign off on the final 
Palestinian surrender demanded of him at Camp David in the summer of 
2000 (an inability that would arguably cost him his life at the hands of 
Abbas or Dahlan - depending on which of the two you talk to - acting at 
the behest of the Israelis, and very likely the Americans), Obama will 
terminate the services of Abbas should he fail to sign the US-sponsored 
surrender. Indeed, even if Abbas does sign such a deal, as he is 
approaching his 80th birthday, Dahlan will be needed and ready to take 
over after his death.

It is in this context that Egyptian army top brass recently visited 
Israel for a whole week while the Egyptian private TV station Dream 
(owned by a Mubarak businessman ally, Ahmad Bahgat) aired an interview 
with Dahlan in which he attacked Abbas, in yet another effort to 
delegitimise the latter.

Dahlan was offered the support 
of the rightwing Egyptian businessman Naguib Sawiris (infamous for his 
cutting off cellular phone lines in Cairo during the Egyptian uprising 
in January 2011 on the orders <http://www.masress.com/en/youm7en/339868> 
of Mubarak's security apparatus), who sang Dahlan's praises (as well as 
those of Mohammad Rashid, aka Khaled Salam, a former Arafat aide and 
another allegedly corrupt embezzling fugitive) as one of the most honest 
businessmen he ever worked with and then proceeded to denounce Abbas as 
a "liar".

Indeed Sawiris, who has previously had business investments in Israel, 
went as far as claiming that had Palestine had "three men" like Dahlan, 
"it would have been liberated by now".

Meanwhile, after months of closure of the borders with Gaza and 
harassment of Palestinians in Egypt by the heirs of Mubarak, the 
daughter of late Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, Huda, who, like the 
rest of her siblings, had already paid abject public obeisance to the 
coup leader, published a letter to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyyah, 
accusing him and Hamas of terrorism targeting Egyptian soldiers in Sinai.

Moreover, with the elimination of Syria as a refuge for the exiled Hamas 
leaders, the Saudis and the UAE are tightening the grip on Qatar, the 
new base for the exiled Hamas leadership and the sponsor of the MB. They 
are also hoping that some of the concessions Iran would pay for its new 
modus vivendi with the US would include abandoning support for Hamas.

      The takeover plan

As an Egyptian court has recently joined Israel and the US in banning 
Hamas from the country and considering it a terrorist organisation and 
as the Israelis have threatened openly this week that an invasion of 
Gaza will be necessary, the plan for a Dahlan take-over is hatching 
slowly but surely. This is viewed as such a threat that Abbas dispatched 
his supporters and cronies to the streets of Ramallah to prove to the 
Americans and the Israelis that he still commands much support in the 
West Bank.

The competition between Abbas and Dahlan is essentially one where each 
of them wants to prove that he can be more servile to Israeli, US, 
Egyptian, and Gulf interests while maintaining legitimacy and full 
control of the Palestinian population.

The details of the plot are not clear. They could involve an invasion of 
Gaza from the Egyptian and the Israeli sides (and Egyptian officials 
have already threatened to carry out such an invasion a few weeks ago), 
a coup of sorts in the West Bank, and even assassinations of Haniyyah 
and/or Abbas.

All bets are off at the moment, as Abbas, like Arafat before him, is 
offering complete obedience to US and Israeli diktat and will go much 
farther than Arafat did, but he understands too well that he would lose 
all legitimacy and control were he to sign the final humiliating 
surrender that the US and Israel are insisting on. Dahlan of course will 
have no such worries.

As for Hamas, which, unlike the MB, is a resistance movement and not a 
political party, it cannot be rounded up or crushed so easily, and the 
entry of Dahlan into Gaza, let alone the West Bank, will usher in a 
civil war that could likely end in his defeat yet again, short of a full 
Israeli invasion of Gaza to return him to power (Dahlan has also been 
accused by the PA of collaborating with the Israelis in their 2008 
invasion of Gaza and has recently been accused in aiding the ongoing 
in Egypt).

The same scenario would be repeated in the West Bank.

The future of the Palestinian people is in danger and the enemies of the 
Palestinians surround them inside and outside Palestine. The 
Obama-Israeli-Egyptian-Gulf plans for liquidating their cause and their 
rights continue afoot.

However, just like past corrupt Palestinian leaders were unsuccessful in 
liquidating the rights of the Palestinians and their cause, the Israeli 
and US betting on the Dahlan horse will only increase the resolve of the 
Palestinian people and their supporters that Palestinian resistance will 
only cease after the final liquidation of Israeli state racism and 
colonialism in all its manifestations throughout historic Palestine.

/*Joseph Massad is Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and 
Intellectual History at Columbia University.*/

*/The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not 
necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy./*

Source: Al Jazeera

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