[News] Stop Israeli Impunity - Today more urgent than ever!

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jul 3 12:10:56 EDT 2014

  *Stop Israeli Impunity - Today more urgent than ever!*



July - the Month against the Wall and against Israeli Impunity - has 
started with dramatic developments in Palestine: After the murder of 16 
year old Muhammad Hussein Abu Khdeir from Shufat refugee camp, only 
today over fifty people have been injured by live ammunition in Shufat 
refugee camp in Jerusalem, confrontations with settlers have been 
continuing in different places in Jerusalem and in the rest of the West 
Bank, this night Israeli military has invaded most of the Palestinian 
cities in the West Bank. This all adds to the ongoing mass arrest 
campaign across the West Bank, home demolitions, the shelling of Gaza 
and the burning Palestinian property by Israeli settlers.

As we stated in the Stop the Wall statement on the current military 

    /"The aims of this military offensive bare no relevance to the
    disappearance of the three settlers - that is only a timely smoke
    screen. The entire repressive operation is part of the 'unilateral
    redeployment' plan proposed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
    Netanyahu at the end of April following the failure of the 'Kerry
    Initiative. /

    /This 'redeployment' plan amounts to nothing more but the
    implementation and creation of Palestinians Bantustans in the West
    Bank, delimited by the Wall and its associated regime - the
    settlements and military zones - which together annex some 60
    percent of the West Bank. It is not by chance that ten different
    bills to annex settlement blocks have been submitted in the Knesset
    this May, and calls to immediately annex the Gush Etzion block are
    growing. Meanwhile, settlement construction is continuing


*While the situation seems still to be escalating, it is more than ever 
urgent for us all to work together to */#StopIsraeliimpunity/*, to 
ensure the truth about Israeli apartheid, colonization and occupation is 
told and Israeli policies of military repression are put into the 
context of Israeli strategies and plans. Global mobilization and 
awareness raising is truly needed now. *

*In Palestine,* people continue out in the streets to defend their 
homes, cities and refugee camps - resistance is existence. In addition, 
during July specific actions to Stop Israeli Impunity will take place in 
many cities, towns and communities. Friday protests will be dedicated to 
the Month against the Wall and to #StopIsraeliImpunity. The centres of 
the campaign will be in Hebron and the Jordan Valley.

In Hebron, action will focus on demonstrations on the road blocks that 
surround the town, walks and marches through the old city torn apart by 
occupation, and solidarity visits for those families that have been 
raided and bombed. The launch of the Popular Council to Save the Jordan 
Valley will unite the efforts of threatened communities to defend their 
rights to land, water and life. In both the campaign centres, activists 
will mobilise media both nationally and internationally and provide 
regular updates on systems of apartheid and ethnic cleansing which are 
destroying communities across Palestine.

On July 9, several activities, including meetings and conferences, will 
highlight the Stop Israeli Impunity! campaign, and the anniversary of 
the 2004 International Court of Justice decision on the illegality of 
the apartheid wall.

*At international level,* actions all around the world - from Korea to 
San Francisco, from Oslo to Chile -  are planned and still new reports 
of actions are coming in.

Please help us to keep track about the actions and send us a short info 
about your action using the feedback form at: 

We are as well happy to share that on July 1, campaigners in Brighton 
(UK) were able to announce the closure of the Ecostream store. This is a 
victory for people power against a corporation profiting from human 
suffering and shows that the movement for boycott, divestment and 
against Israeli apartheid, militarism and occupation is continuing to 
gather momentum.

Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign today issued the following 

/"This campaign has taken the message about human rights abuses in 
occupied Palestine to the people of Brighton, and their response has 
been fantastic. They have made it clear that they do not want businesses 
from illegal Israeli settlements trading in their town. The closure of 
SodaStream's so-called flagship UK store in Brighton is just one step in 
a campaign to send a clear message to the Israeli government and the 
international community that, at the grassroots level, people of 
conscience are taking action to force Israel to comply with 
international law and to bring about justice for the Palestinian people. 
We give notice to the other stockists of SodaStream products in the city 
that we will continue to take the message about SodaStream to the people 
of Brighton on behalf of the Palestinian people. Congratulations to the 
people of Brighton and Hove, who can tell the difference between ethical 
and unethical."/

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