[News] 170 Palestinians injured in East Jerusalem clashes - 13 killed by Israelis in last month

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jul 2 17:15:33 EDT 2014

*170 Palestinians injured in East Jerusalem clashes*

Published yesterday (updated) 02/07/2014 21:53
JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Over 170 Palestinians were injured in clashes with 
Israeli forces in occupied East Jerusalem on Wednesday following the 
kidnapping and killing of a 16-year-old Palestinian from the Shufat 
neighborhood, medics said.

Red Crescent medics said 170 Palestinians were injured in the clashes, 
including three with live bullets.

At least 35 people were injured by rubber bullets, including six 
journalists, and three people suffered fractures after being assaulted 
by Israeli police officers.

Palestine TV reporter Kristine Rinawi and cameramen Ali Yasin and Ahmad 
Gharabla were among those reported injured.

Rajih al-Hawarin, a Red Crescent paramedic, told Ma'an that soldiers 
were firing tear gas, rubber-coated bullets, stun grenades, and live 
fire at protesters.
Clashes broke out early Wednesday as Palestinians took to the streets to 
protest the kidnapping and killing of 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir.

Eyewitnesses told AFP 16-year-old Muhammed was seen being forced into a 
car by three Israelis in East Jerusalem.

Shortly after dawn, crowds of angry Palestinians began gathering outside 
the teenager's home in Shufat, with clashes erupting around 8:00 a.m.

Clouds of black smoke rose into the summer sky as hundreds of masked 
Palestinians faced off with Israeli police in riot gear.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld wrote on Twitter: "Extra police 
units deployed in Jerusalem to deal with disturbances in the Bet Hanina 
area. Damage caused to light rail station by rioters."

As the clashes raged in Shufat, where the streets were littered with 
burning dumpsters and makeshift barricades, the only place of relative 
calm was the family home, an AFP correspondent said.

Wearing a blue headscarf, 40-year-old Suha Abu Khder, mother of the 
missing teen, sat in stunned silence, sometimes breaking down in tears 
in a room filled with relatives and friends.

Ansam Abu Khder, one of the teenager's cousins, said witnesses had 
written down the car's license plate and that police were examining CCTV 

"We knew about Mohammed's kidnapping by three Israelis just before the 
dawn prayers. A witness saw them and took down the license plate," he 
told AFP.

DNA tests proved the body was that of the missing teenager, his father said.

"The body belongs to my son," Hussein Abu Khder told AFP, saying his 
identity had been confirmed through tests but the cause of death was not 
immediately clear.

Israeli police had earlier summoned Abu Khdeir's father for questioning 
at the Russian Compound center in West Jerusalem, relatives said.

The family denied allegations that the boy could have been killed in a 
family dispute, citing eyewitnesses as saying they tried to stop the 
kidnapping but the suspects took Abu Khdeir and fled the scene.

The families of the three murdered Israeli teenagers issued a statement 
condemning the incident.

"If the Arab youth was murdered because of nationalistic motives then 
this is a horrible and horrendous act," it said.

"There is no difference between Arab blood and Jewish blood. Murder is 
murder. There is no forgiveness or justification for any murder."

In a separate development, suspected Jewish extremists set fire to the 
ground floor of a house in the West Bank village of Aqraba near Nablus, 
police said.

On the walls was Hebrew graffiti reading "Revenge of the Jews" and 
"Mohammed is dead" in reference to the Muslim prophet.

*AFP contributed to this report.
/It is worth mentioning that Israeli army fire and shells have killed 
thirteen Palestinians, including children, in June./*

Palestinian, 16, Found Dead After Israeli Mobs March, Chanting "Death To 


Palestinians killed by the army in June, and on July 1st:
July 1 - Palestinian Killed By Undercover Israeli Forces In Jenin

June 30 - Palestinian Killed, Two Injured, By Army Missile In Southern Gaza

June 28 - Two Palestinians Killed, Three Injured, As Army Bombards Gaza

June 26 - Elderly Woman Dies After Army Invades Her Home In Hebron

June 25 - Palestinian Dies of Wounds Suffered Last Friday - June 20 

June 22 - Palestinian Killed By Army Fire In Nablus

June 22 - PCHR: "Mentally Challenged Man Killed"

June 22 - Palestinian Killed By Army Fire In Ramallah

June 21 - Teen Killed By Israeli Landmine In Jordan Valley

June 20 -- Elderly Man Dies In Salfit After Soldiers Invaded His Home 

June 20 - Child Killed By Israeli Army Fire Near Hebron

June 16 - Palestinian Killed By Army Fire Near Ramallah

Other related

June 11- Fighter Assassinated, Two Palestinians Injured, By Israeli 
Missile In Gaza http://www.imemc.org/article/68078

June 11 Child Killed In An Explosion In Gaza City
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