[News] Israeli troops injure 12 civilians and 2 fighters in attacks this week

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Fri Jan 17 10:56:15 EST 2014

  Israeli troops injure 12 civilians and 2 fighters in attacks this week

author Friday January 17, 2014 07:39author by PCHR-Gaza

In its Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied 
Palestinian Territories for the week of 09-15 January 2014, the 
Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) found that, during the 
reporting period, Israeli forces wounded 13 Palestinian civilians, 
including 2 children and a woman, and an international activist, 10 of 
whom were wounded during weekly protests throughout the West Bank. One 
was wounded at the northern entrance of Ayda refugee camp and 3 others, 
including one civilian and 2 members of an armed group, were wounded in 
airstrikes in the Gaza Strip.

*Israeli attacks in the West Bank:*

Israeli forces conducted 72 incursions into Palestinian communities in 
the West Bank. At least 66 Palestinians, including 7 children, were 

Israeli forces established dozens of checkpoints in the West Bank. At 
least 2 Palestinian civilians were abducted at checkpoints in the West Bank.

On 09 January 2014, Israeli forces, backed by military vehicles 
moved into Um Sararah area adjacent to Kherbet al-Fakhit (al-Mosafer 
area), southeast of Yatta town south of Hebron. Israeli forces patrolled 
the vicinity of the area and deployed on the farmlands. They prevented 
the movement of civilians and declared it a closed military zone. 
Israeli soldiers confiscated barbed wire and uprooted a large number of 
woodland trees, which were less than 1 year old and were planted to 
establish a nature reserve on a 1000-dunum land donated by the Mehmed 
family to the Ministry of Agriculture. The project was funded by the 
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

On 12 January 2014, Israeli forces accompanied by officers from the 
Civil Administration and police officers confiscated a green John Deere 
tractor belonging to Mustafa 'Aqab Ban 'Odah when he was working on a 
farmland in al-Ra's al-Ahmar area north of the Jordan Valley, east of Tubas.

Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:

In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces carried out 5 airstrikes, 2 shooting 
incidents along the border fence and 6 shooting incidents at Palestinian 
fishing boats 

On 09 January 2014, 2 members of an armed group were wounded when an 
Israeli warplane fired a missile at a motorcycle, east of Khan Yunis, in 
the southern Gaza Strip. Moreover, a 3-year-old child sustained minor 
injuries by glass fragments.

On the same day, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a training site 
belonging to al-Quds Brigades (the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad), 
west of Rafah. The same training site was attacked again 15 minutes 
later, but no casualties were reported in either attack.

On 11 January 2014, a civilian was wounded when Israeli forces stationed 
along the border fence east of Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip, 
opened fire at a group young men who were a few meters away from the 
fence. On 14 January 2014, Israeli forces stationed along the border 
fence east of Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, opened fire 
sporadically at farmlands for an hour, but no casualties were reported.

On 13 January 2014, Israeli warplanes launched 3 airstrikes against 
training sites belonging to Palestinian armed groups south of Deir 
al-Balah and northeast of al-Nusseirat, in the central Gaza Strip. As a 
result, the sites were damaged, and a 3-year-old child was wounded by 
glass fragments as he was standing with his father in front of a 
grocery, east of al-Nuseirat. Besides, 2 UNRWA schools and over 20 
houses sustained partial damage.

In the context of targeting fishermen in the sea, Israeli forces fired 
at fishermen 6 times on 11, 13, 14 and 15 January 2014, but neither 
casualties nor material damage were reported.

Israel has continued to impose a total closure and has isolated the Gaza 
Strip from the outside world. The illegal closure of the Gaza Strip, 
which has steadily tightened since June 2007 has had a disastrous impact 
on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip. The 
Israeli authorities impose measures to undermine the freedom of trade, 
including the basic needs for the Gaza Strip population and the 
agricultural and industrial products to be exported. For 7 consecutive 
years, Israel has tightened the land and naval closure to isolate the 
Gaza Strip from the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem and other 
countries around the world. This resulted in a grave violation of the 
economic, social and cultural rights and a deterioration of living 
conditions for 1.7 million people. The Israeli authorities established 
Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shaloum) as the sole crossing for imports and 
exports in order to exercise its control over the Gaza Strip's economy 
that has been aggravating for years due to the shortage of imports. They 
also aim at imposing a complete ban on the Gaza Strip's exports.

*Israeli settlement activities:*

Israeli forces have continued to support settlement activities in the 
West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian 
civilians and property.

On 13 January 2014, settlers from "Ma'oon" settlement established on 
Palestinians lands, east of Yatta town south of Hebron, cut and smashed 
branches of 20 old olive trees, by handsaws, in Mo'in Valley area 
belonging to Khader Mos'ef al-'Amour and his brothers from al-Tawani 
village, east of the town.

On 14 January 2014, around 300 settlers from "Kiryat Arbaa'" settlement 
and "Hafat Jal" outpost, established on confiscated Palestinian lands 
east of Hebron, organized a demonstration in Khelet 'Abdoh area in the 
eastern area of the city. The demonstration was organized under 
intensive guard by Israeli forces and police. They entered farmlands 
belonging to the al-Zaro and Abu Rmeilah families, damaging stone 
chains. They planted a number of olive trees in the lands confiscated by 
the Israeli forces since 1972, under the pretext that they are military 
training areas, to which their owners are denied access into them. This 
comes in an attempt by settlers to seize this land for the benefit of 
settlement expansion projects in "Hafat Jal" outpost.

On 15 January 2014, a group of settlers set fire to Imam Ali bin Abi 
Talib Mosque in Deir Estiya village, north of Salfit, and wrote hostile 
slogans on its wall in Hebrew. Settlers set fire in the vicinity of the 
mosque, so carpets at the entrance were burnt and continued burning till 
fire extended into the mosque burning a part of it.

*Israeli attacks on non-violent demonstrations:*

Israeli forces attacked a number of non-violent demonstrations organized 
by Palestinians, wounding ten protesters.

Following the Friday Prayer, 10 January 2014, dozens of Palestinian 
civilians, with international and Israeli human rights defenders, 
organised a peaceful demonstration in Bil'in, west of Ramallah, in 
protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement 
activities, supporting the al-Aqsa mosque and the Islamic and Christian 
religious sites. Demonstrators took the streets, raising the Palestinian 
flags and headed to the liberated territories near the annexation wall. 
Israeli forces had closed all the entrances of the village since morning 
to prevent the Palestinian and international activists and journalists 
from participating in the demonstration. Demonstrators marched adjacent 
to the cement wall and tried to cross the fence before Israeli forces 
stationed behind the wall, in the western area, and a large number of 
soldiers deployed along it fired live bullets, tear gas canisters, 
rubber-coated steel bullets, sound bombs and skunk water at them and 
chased them into olive fields. As a result, 4 protestors, including a 
woman and an international activist, were wounded. Moreover, dozens of 
demonstrators suffered tear gas inhalation, and others sustained bruises 
as they were beaten up by Israeli soldiers. A 33-year-old civilian 
sustained a bullet wound to the back; a 19-year-old civilian sustained a 
bullet wound to the right leg; a 23-year-old woman sustained a bullet 
wound to the left leg; and a 28-year-old international activist was hit 
by a gas canister to the left leg.

On the same day, dozens of Palestinian civilians organised a peaceful 
demonstration in the centre of Ni'lin village, west of Ramallah, in 
protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement 
activities. Demonstrators took the streets and headed to the annexation 
wall. Israeli forces closed the gates of the wall with barbed wire and 
prevented the demonstrators from passing to the land behind it before 
they responded by throwing stones. As a result, a 39-year-old civilian 
sustained a bullet wound to the right leg. Many civilians suffered tear 
gas inhalation and bruises as they were beaten up by Israeli soldiers.

Around the same time, dozens of Palestinian civilians and Israeli and 
international human rights defenders organised a peaceful demonstration, 
in protest at the construction of the annexation wall and settlement 
activities, in Nabi Saleh village, southwest of Ramallah. Demonstrators 
took the streets, raising the Palestinian flags and chanting slogans 
against the occupation and in support of the Palestinian unity 
resistance and, then, they headed to the lands that the settlers are 
trying to rob by force, near "Halmish" settlement. Israeli forces closed 
all the entrances of the village since morning to prevent the 
Palestinian and international activists and journalists from 
participating in the demonstration. When they arrived at the land, 
demonstrators were met by live bullets, tear gas canisters, 
rubber-coated steel bullets, sound bombs and skunk water, and were 
chased into the village. As a result, a 14-year-old girl sustained a 
bullet wound to the right shoulder and an 18-year-old civilian sustained 
a bullet wound to the back. Many civilians suffered tear gas inhalation 
and bruises due to being beaten by Israeli soldiers.

Following the Friday prayer, dozens of Palestinian civilians and 
international and Israeli human rights defenders organised a peaceful 
demonstration in Ma'assara village, in protest at the construction of 
the annexation wall and settlement activities. The demonstration started 
in front of the Candles Cultural Centre, in the centre of the village. 
Demonstrators moved in the streets, raising the Palestinian flag. When 
they arrived at the area where the annexation wall is established, 
Israeli forces started firing tear gas canisters in attempt to disperse 
them and prevented them from reaching the annexation wall.

At approximately 12:30 on the same day, Palestinian civilians and 
international activists organised a peaceful demonstration in the centre 
of Kufor Qaddoum village, northwest of Qalqilia, and headed towards the 
eastern entrance of the village, in protest at the continued closure of 
the entrance with an iron gate since the beginning of the Aqsa Intifada. 
Clashes erupted between the demonstrators and Israeli forces who fired 
sound bombs and tear gas canisters to prevent them from reaching the 
aforementioned gate. As a result, 3 civilians, including a child, were 
wounded. A 27-year-old civilian was hit by a gas canister to the leg, a 
43-year-old civilian was hit by a tear gas canister to the lower back 
and a 17-year-old civilian was hit by a tear gas canister to the back.

At approximately 12:35 on Sunday, 12 January 2014, dozens of Palestinian 
children and young men gathered at the northern entrance of Ayda refugee 
camp, north of Bethlehem. They threw stones and empty bottles at Israeli 
soldiers who were positioned at the northern entrance of the camp. The 
Israeli soldiers fired gas canisters and rubber-coated metal bullets in 
response. As a result, a number of protesters and civilians suffered 
tear gas inhalation.

At approximately 16:00 on Wednesday, 15 January 2014, dozens of 
Palestinian boys and civilians gathered at the northern entrance of Ayda 
refugee camp, north of Bethlehem. They threw stones and empty bottles at 
Israeli soldiers who were positioned at the northern entrance of the 
camp. The Israeli soldiers fired gas canisters and rubber-coated metal 
bullets in response. As a result, a 19-year-old civilian sustained a 
bullet wound to the left leg. He was taken to Beit Jala hospital, where 
his wound was described as moderate. In addition, a number of protesters 
suffered tear gas inhalation.

*Recommendations to the international community:*

Due to the number and severity of Israeli human rights violations this 
week, the PCHR made several recommendations to the international 
community. Among these were a recommendation that the international 
community and the United Nations use all available means to allow the 
Palestinian people to enjoy their right to self-determination, through 
the establishment of the Palestinian State, which was recognized by the 
UN General Assembly with a vast majority, using all international legal 
mechanisms, including sanctions to end the occupation of the State of 

In addition, the PCHR calls upon the United Nations to provide 
international protection to Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian 
Territories, and to ensure the non-recurrence of aggression against the 
Occupied Palestinian Territories, especially the Gaza Strip.

/For the full text of the report, click on the link below:/

category palestine <http://www.imemc.org/newswire/palestine> | human 
rights <http://www.imemc.org/newswire/humanrights> | news report 
<http://www.imemc.org/newswire/newsreport> author email saed at imemc 
dot org <mailto:saed%20at%20imemc%20dot%20org>
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