[News] Haiti Oakland event Sat. March 1st - 10th anniversary of the 2004 coup in Haiti - Celebrate 210 years since Haiti's 1804 Revolution

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Feb 13 11:21:48 EST 2014

*_International Days in Solidarity with the Haitian People_*
*/10 years since the 2004 Coup ? 210 years since Haiti?s Revolution/*
*/* _Saturday, March 1st_ - 5:30 to 8:30 PM - Celebrate Haiti's Revolution/*
*/* Humanist Hall, 390 - 27th St. (betw. Telegraph & Broadway), Oakland/*
*/* Stand with the People of Haiti - Eyewitness reports, drums, film, 
food, music/*
Dear Friend,

We are writing to you, knowing your longstanding support for the cause 
of the Haitian people. As you know, we are approaching the 10th 
anniversary of the Feb. 29, 2004 coup d'etat, engineered by the US, 
France and Canada, which has left a brutal legacy of pain and 
destruction. This is an occasion that cries out to be seized upon by all 
who oppose the coup and support the popular movement.

In Oakland, we in the Haiti Action Committee are marking the coup, and 
the 10 years of repressive coup regimes that have followed it, with a 
celebration of the 210th year of the heroic 1804 Haitian Revolution. The 
event is happening on March 1st at Humanist Hall. (Mark your 
calendar!) Other cities are organizing their own events, as part of the 
2014 International Days in Solidarity with the Haitian People.
We also encourage you to forward this email to friends in other cities 
or countries. Ask them to consider organizing a Haiti support activity 
where they are -- if possible as part of the International Days 
from February 23 thru March 8th. It could be a demonstration, vigil, 
march, public meeting, festival, film showing, rally, candle-light 
gathering, teach-in, musical or artistic event *?* to commemorate the 
Haitian Revolution and protest the continuation of the 2004 coup. *Have 
them contact us.* We can supply films or materials if needed.

*The actions of US-imposed President Martelly and his ally Jean-Claude 
Duvalier clearly demonstrate what the 2004 coup was all about.* The 
Haitian people are outraged by the step-by-step return of Duvalierism 
and its embrace by the fraudulently elected Martelly government ? which 
threatens to bring back the hated military ... which organizes sweeps of 
market women and midnight raids on the camps of earthquake survivors ... 
which continues its repressive vendetta against members of the majority 
Lavalas movement, including a threatened indictment of long-time Lavalas 
leader and former Senator, Myrlande Liberis-Pavert on trumped-up charges.

*We support the Haitian people?s demand that Haiti's sovereignty 
be respected and that the 2004 coup must be reversed*. That would mean:

· Free and fair elections in which all parties can run candidates.

· Putting an end to the repression and the U.S./U.N. military occupation.

· Rebuilding Haiti the way the Haitian 99% want it built ? Paying a 
living wage in the factories instead of sweatshop wages ? Restoring 
farming self-sufficiency so Haiti can feed itself again ? Real Haitian 
control of mineral resources and aid funds ? Schools, housing and health 
care for the people.


**_Be an organizer. Spread the word widely._*_ _*_Thinking globally, 
acting locally!_ This follows on earlier International Days in 
Solidarity with Haiti, with observances in many cities on four 
continents on September 30, 2005, February 7, 2007 and February 29, 2008.*


You can write to us at haitiaction at sonic.net 
<mailto:haitiaction at sonic.net> or call 510 847 8657. 
www.haitisolidarity.net <http://www.haitisolidarity.net/>

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