[News] IDF Arrests 8-10 year old children - pulled from the arms of their parents

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Mar 22 14:31:50 EDT 2013

    Israeli Human Rights Centre Objects to Detaining Palestinian


    Published on Friday, 22 March 2013 11:24

An Israeli human rights centre has revealed that the occupation 
authorities have ten Palestinian children in jail who are aged between 8 
and 10 years. The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the 
Occupied Territories (B'Tselem) made the disclosure in the context of 
the recent spate of arrest of minors in the West Bank.

B'Tselem said that its envoy met the occupation's legal advisor in the 
occupied West Bank, Colonel Doron Ben Barak and asked for him to 
intervene as a matter of urgency to get the release of more than 20 
Palestinian children detained on Wednesday morning in Hebron.

The organisation has published a video taken by an activist that shows 
children being pulled from the arms of their parents while crying and 
screaming. The children were on their way to a number of schools on 
Tariq bin-Ziad Street in Hebron when they were detained by the Israeli 
authorities. The B'Tselem video shows clearly that they were carrying 
their school bags and wearing school uniforms at the time of their 

Although a spokesman of the Israeli occupations forces said that the 
pupils were interrogated on suspicion of throwing stones and Molotov 
cocktails, B'Tselem said that "this cannot justify the mass detention of 
youths for unspecified suspicions, let alone the arrest or detention of 
children under twelve".

The Israeli Youth Law requires that a parent or adult be present during 
the interrogation of child suspects. The law does not formally apply to 
Palestinians in the occupied territories, who are subject to Israeli 
military law, but the military court has recommended that the relevant 
provisions be taken into account in all dealings with Palestinian children.

The Israel Defense Forces confirmed in a statement to the Tel Aviv 
newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth. Most were later released, the military press 
office said, but seven of the young people "have been taken for a police 

Israeli forces detain around 7,000 Palestinian minors every year. Some 
of them are kidnapped from their homes, some while they are on the 
street and some are taken from their schools. According to statistics by 
the Palestinian Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, Addameer, 
at the end of 2012 there were 194 Palestinian minors were in Israeli 
prisons; at least 30 of them are under 16 years of age.

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