[News] Palestinians protest outside Ofer prison, honour Hugo Chavez

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Mar 6 10:37:33 EST 2013

  Palestinians protest outside Ofer prison, honour Hugo Chavez


As part of the ongoing series of mobilizations and demonstrations 
throughout Palestine in support of Palestinian prisoners, Palestinian 
activists protested outside Ofer prison on March 6, 2013. They were 
attacked by Israeli occupation forces, who shot live ammunition and 
rubber bullets at the protesters, wounding 16 protesters. Among others, 
Hassan Karajah 
youth coordinator for the Stop the Wall campaign, is scheduled to face a 
military hearing today at the prison.

Protesters carried Venezuelan flags to honour Venezuelan President Hugo 
Chavez, who died on March 5, sparking tributes around the world in 
honour of his support for Palestine.
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