[News] Anti-capitalism behind bars with Selma James - SF April 1

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Mar 19 15:59:37 EDT 2012

Anti-capitalism behind bars
Sunday April 1, 7pm to 9pm

518 Valencia Street,
San Francisco (BART 16th Street Station)

How can people outside prison support the struggle of those inside? 
 From Troy Davis to Mumia Abu-Jamal and Bradley Manning, from the 
Pelican Bay Hunger Strikers to the Georgia Prison Strike and the 
Formerly Incarcerated Persons (FIPs), anti-capitalist leadership has 
come from inside the Prisonhouse of nations, and from the families 
campaigning outside.

Keynote speaker: Selma James edited Mumia Abu-Jamal's Jailhouse 
Lawyers and wrote the Introduction to the UK edition. On tour with 
her new book Sex Race and Class - The Perspective of Winning:  A 
Selection of Writings 1952-2011 published by PM Press.

Other panelists:
    * Nell Myhand:  Women of Color in the Global Women's Strike on 
the campaign to save her own house from foreclosure, fighting charges 
from a house occupation with Occupy Oakland, the growing resistance 
to Oakland police's brutal violence targeting occupiers and people of color.
    * Nedra Ruiz:  a movement criminal attorney defending prisoners, 
particularly people with life sentences up against parole boards and 
opposing three strikes. Her law firm sponsors an annual art show of 
prisoners' works.
    * Rachel West:  US PROStitutes Collective, opposing the 
criminalization of survival, fines, stay away orders, "nuisance" 
codes, sexual offender registration & Sit/Lies laws which make young 
people, sex workers, homeless people and others vulnerable to 
violence. Organizing to stop serial murders.
  "Selma James is as critical in her thinking and as feisty today as 
she was when she worked with her late husband CLR James. Always 
fascinating and a must to hear!" - Claude Marks of Freedom Archives

Sponsored by:  Freedom Archives, the Global Women's Strike, Women of 
Color at Global Women's Strike, Legal Action for Women

For more information contact:
415-626-4114 or email: 
<mailto:sf at globalwomenstrike.net>sf at globalwomenstrike.net

Event:  wheelchair accessible

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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