[News] The Brainwashing of the Jews

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Fri Jan 27 13:06:06 EST 2012

The Brainwashing of the Jews

24. Jan, 2012

By Dr. Elias Akleh


There are increasing indications, although slim 
but hopeful, that more Israeli Jews are awakening 
to the satanic realities of the Zionist Greater 
Israel Project in the heart of the Arab World. 
The Jews in general and Israeli Jews in 
particular, had been subjected for thousands of 
years to an extremist religiously fundamentalist 
brainwashing sinister scheme. Its goal is to 
implant in the Jewish collective psyche the 
satanic ideology of God’s chosen people in God’s 
promised land, and that it is their “mitzvah”, 
their religious duty, to terrorize and murder ALL 
GOYEMS, and to steal all their wealth and their 
land for the ultimate purpose of creating a 
Jewish only world with Jerusalem as the center of the world.

Shortly after its inception few thousand years 
ago Judaism, as a religion, had been grossly 
distorted and misinterpreted by extremist 
political rabbis who had morphed it into an 
aggressive colonial religious ideology with the 
goal of creating a Jewish-controlled world. Thus 
Jews (Israelites), rather than the human race, 
were designated as God’s chosen people, and 
Palestine (the land of Canaan) in the heart of 
the old world, rather than planet Earth, as God’s 
promised land. With a racist, vindictive, 
murdering god (check the Old Testament) this 
ideology permits the Jews to kill all non-Jews 
for the sake of creating a Jewish only state 
(Israel). This extremist political religious 
ideology is known at present as Zionism.

The Jews were brainwashed that since they are 
chosen by God they are envied and hated by the 
rest of the human races, who are out to persecute 
them and to kill them. They are taught that all 
non-Jews are inflicted with an intrinsically 
pathological disease called anti-Semitism meaning 
anti-Jewish as if Jews are the only Semitic 
nation. To protect themselves they are instructed 
to live under the leadership of their rabbis in 
their own Jewish only communities (ghettos) 
separated from the others. Although Jews are 
citizens of different countries and are members 
of different ethnicities they are told that they 
are persecuted in every country and that they had 
suffered multiple holocausts. They are urged to 
deny their original citizenships and to immigrate 
to Palestine, an alleged empty land, their 
promised land, to establish a Jewish-only state, 
where they could live safely and peacefully. 
Those misguided, who followed this calling, 
discovered that they had to become militarized 
and to commit genocidal crimes against the 
indigenous people; the Palestinians, and to steal 
the land in order to establish their Jewish 
state. Instead of this promised safety they 
discovered that they have to live in perpetual wars the rest of their lives.

Gilad Atzmon, an Israeli Jewish musician and 
writer, born in Israel but left to live in the 
UK, argued in one of his articles 
Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews” that one has 
to understand the Jewish culture in the light of 
Judaic teachings in order to grasp the magnitude 
of the barbaric crimes the Jewish state had 
committed against humanity. “Zionism was rather 
effective in transforming the Old Testament from 
a spiritual text into a land registry” he stated.

Nurit Peled-Elhanan, a professor of language and 
education in the Hebrew University in Israel, had 
lost her young daughter in a suicide bombing. 
After some soul searching she had discovered that 
Israeli Jews as well as other Jews in the Western 
countries who received Jewish education “
raised on false and racist values; 
on hetero-phobia”. She argues that anti-Semitism 
(anti-Jewish) is the result of the actions of the 
only government in the world (Israeli government) 
who deliberately sends young Jewish boys and 
girls to their certain death, and who persecute, 
to the point of genocide, another Semitic nation 
(the Palestinians). She explains that the reason 
Palestinian demonstrators carry signs equating 
the Star of David with the Nazi Swastika is due 
to the actions of the Israeli government and its 
army rather than a morbid hatred to the Jews.

Elhanan, similar to Atzmon, blames the false 
Judaic teachings for turning Jewish children into 
murdering monsters, killing, torturing and 
humiliating other non-Jewish children, their 
parents and their grandparents, and sacrificing 
their own lives for the megalomania of the 
Israeli chiefs. She stated in one of her 
“In the so-called Western enlightened world 
everyone feels very well founded when they blame 
Islam for suicide bombing and terror, but who 
would ever blame Judaism for murder?  And yet 
ultraorthodox Jewish children who had never left 
Brooklyn know that to kill Arabs is a Mitzvah 
“holy commandment” for they are wild beasts, and 
Israeli children actually commit the crimes of 
slaughter and torture. However neither Judaism 
nor Islam or any religion for that matter is the 
cause for murder and terror. Racist education is, 
American imperialism is, an Israeli ruthless regime of occupation is.”

  Lillian Rosengarten is a Jewish pacifist 
writer, who had sailed to Gaza along with six 
other Jews aboard a humanitarian boat, but was 
kidnapped by the Israeli navy to Ashdod. She was 
then deported and banned entry to Israel for 10 
years. It seems that Israel welcomes only 
warmongering Jews and rejects humanitarian dissenting Jews like Rosengarten.

Rosengarten also criticized the hetero-phobic 
values instilled in the Jewish psyche due to the 
“blurring the distinction between Zionist 
nationalism and Jewish religion”. 
states that Israelis in general do not know 
Palestinians.  They are taught from early age 
that all Palestinians are terrorists, who hate 
Jews and want to drive them into the sea. She 
exposes the myth of Israel as the only peace 
loving democracy in the Middle East as a 
deception because “A Jewish state created through 
subjugation, occupation, collective punishment 
and humiliation of Palestinians is not a 
democracy.” She accuses the Zionist Israeli 
government of gross human rights abuses of 
Palestinians, actions that create anti Jewish 
sentiments. She emphasizes that “it is not 
difficult to understand how brutalization invites 
hate. We can only guess how the children of Gaza 
(and all Palestinians as well) who grow up amidst 
the endless violence, suffering, death and so 
much hopelessness, will grow up to despise the 
people (Jews) who are their enemy.” She predicts 
that the Zionist Israeli Project is doomed to 
failure due to “Israel’s contempt and intolerance 
for other religions and cultures, and the desire to be a Jewish state.”

To sustain the momentum of the Zionist Project to 
reach its sinister goal, it was necessary to feed 
it with new warmongering young blood to replace 
the old and the depleted, and what is a better 
way to do so than programming the Jewish 
collective conscious of the new generations since 
childhood when their minds are still gullible, 
pliable, and open to suggestions. If they believe 
in the tooth fairy they would believe in Zionism 
especially if it is reinforced in their mind 
within every step of their mental and psychological development.

In a previous article, 
Terrorist Educational System”, I explained how 
Israel has become a full fledge militarized 
society through the militarization of their 
educational system that glorifies military power 
and war as the only way of Israeli life. It 
paints military service as the ultimate religious 
service that their god requests them to perform. 
It reinforces the concept of might is right. The 
most prominent characteristic of the Israeli 
educational system is its militarized color, 
where military personnel are entrusted with the 
management of all the educational institutions 
and the teaching of students. Israel also has 
rabbi-run and managed religious military 
institutions, known as “Yishovot Hahsadir”, that 
combine religious and military extremism, where 
gullible young Jewish minds are constantly fed 
with racist Zionist religious indoctrination as 
well as military training. With an angry, 
jealous, vengeful and murdering Judaic god, who 
murders even groups of his chosen people as well 
as their enemies, Israeli young generations learn 
that murder is a divine act rather than the ultimate sin.

Many Israeli scholars and writers seem to agree 
to this analysis. Israeli scholar and writer Erna 
Kazin noted that Israeli scholastic curriculums 
are designed to raise students, since childhood, 
within a militarized atmosphere glorifying the 
military in order to prepare students to become 
soldiers in the Israeli army. In his study 
“Israeli Struggle in the Hebrew Scholastic 
History Books’ Israeli researcher at Haifa 
University, Eli Bodia, concluded that the 
curriculum is deeply distorted by extreme Zionist 
ideology, breeds hatred against Arabs generally 
and Palestinians specifically, and had been a 
contributing obstacle to any real peace treaty with Palestinians.

Nurit Peled-Elhanan had noted, 
her lecture, that the most recent history school 
books are more like military manifests. They 
justify massacres of Palestinians as allegedly 
saving the lives of Israelis, or as reprisals 
that restore the dignity and morality of the 
Israeli army and the confidence to the Jewish 
citizens. Dir Yasin massacre, as an example, is 
described as the incentive for the Palestinian 
flight that allows the creation of Israeli state 
and as necessary for Jewish existence. She 
explains that the cruel and criminal actions of 
the Israeli army, whose troops are very young in 
late teens and early twenties of age, can be 
understood through the study of their grossly 
distorted school text books that they had been 
indoctrinated with starting with their elementary 
through their high school education, that had 
been instrumental in shaping their values and 
perceptions of themselves as the elite race, the 
chosen people, and others as inferior races.

The observer can detect the presence of uniformed 
soldiers on duty stationed in Israeli schools as 
part of the school staff. In collaboration with 
the Ministries of Education and Defense the 
Israeli army operates two large-scale youth 
programs; a Teacher-Soldier program to train 
soldiers to become teacher, and a Youth-Guide 
program preparing students for military service. 
In the Youth-Guide program students are almost 
always in military uniform and report to both 
civilian and military superiors, promote 
militarism and exercise war games, and acclimate 
to viewing themselves as an integral part of the 
army. A 1974 teachers’ guide titled “When a 
Nation Reports for Duty” promotes military 
enlistment stating: “The entire people carry the 
burden of the war effort, and it is divided 
between those who wear the IDF uniform and the 
civilians who are not directly recruited by the 
IDF. Therefore it should be understood that 
(every) civilian carries the burden of the war effort”

Besides schooling students are exposed to 
military ceremonies, commemorations, speeches, 
field trips to military bases and holiday 
celebrations of battles with the enemy. Since 
1984 training for military service was included 
in the school curriculum to prepare students for 
conscription into Youth Battalions. This reminds 
us of Germany’s Hitler-Youth program Israelis 
keep complaining about but seem to adopt it for their own youths.

The hetero-phobia, Elhanan sees Israelis raised 
on, can be detected in all the Israeli 
literatures starting with the children stories. 
Her research found that Israeli school books call 
the Arab citizens of Israel a demographic threat 
and the enemy from within. They are not 
represented as intelligent humans but as 
uneducated, primitive farmers, terrorists, 
thieves, unskilled, lazy and stupid. 
Palestinians, specifically, and Arabs generally 
are described as non-Jews; a clear racist 
perception. The Israeli history school books 
define Palestinian refugees living under Israeli 
occupation as a problem to be solved, not any 
different than the Nazi definition of German Jews 
as problem to be solved. Geography text books 
never show Israel as a state, but represent what 
is called the land of Israel without any borders 
and include large parts of the Arab World.

The book “Through the Hebrew Looking-Glass; Arab 
Stereotypes in Children’s Literature” by 
Palestinian writer Fouzi El-Asmar is an 
analytical study of the image of the Palestinian 
Arab in Israeli commercial story-books for 
children. El-Asmar concludes that the Israeli 
children literature “aims to perpetuate a lowly 
and despicable image of the Arab”. The Arabs are 
portrait as uneducated, dirty, cursing, corrupt, 
Bedouins, gangsters, robbers, saboteurs, foreign 
infiltrators, and land robbers, who stole the 
Jewish homeland and want to throw Jews in the sea.

The <http://awu-dam.org/index1.html>Arab Writers 
Guild published a study entitled “Racist 
Inclination in the Israeli Educational 
Curriculum” in Arabic by scholars Samir Sam’an 
and Khalil Sawahiri. The study describes the 
racist Judaic religious curriculum despising 
other religions; Christianity and Islam. It 
discusses the Israeli distortions of Palestine’s 
history and geography. It has a whole section 
about the racist Zionist values instilled in the 
Israeli educational system. Another interesting 
chapter analyzes racism in the Israeli children literature with some examples.

Yet the Israelis have the vulgar audacity to 
blame Palestinians and Arabs for raising their 
children to become “terrorists”. The attacks on 
the Arab and Islamic educational systems 
intensified after the 
Zionist-planned/Israeli-perpetrated attacks of 
September 11. The Israeli and American media 
concentrated their criticism of Islamic Madrasas 
(schools) claiming that they breed terrorists. 
The Bush administration had allocated $270 
million of tax payers’ money to what his 
administration described as Middle Eastern 
programmes for literacy, education and reform to 
modernize and decentralize the educational 
systems of the Arab World to become more 
tolerable and accepting to other cultures. This 
endeavor was led by Elizabeth Cheney, then Deputy 
Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern 
Affairs. Cheney praised the cooperation of some 
Arab states (Jordan and Maghreb) especially Egypt 
who was instrumental in the program. The Egyptian 
daily “Rosa El-Yusef” reported that Suzan 
Mubarak, the wife of deposed Egyptian president 
Hosni Mubarak, is under investigation for 
receiving $300 million bribe from the Israeli 
Consulate in Egypt to affect change in the 
Egyptian religious and history educational 
curriculum to become more Israeli friendly. 
Sarcastically, Benyamin Ben-Eliezar, an Israeli 
MP, is asking for the money back after deposing 
Mubarak family from office, according to the Egyptian daily.

The culture of racism and hate of all non-Jews 
infested in the hearts of the majority of 
Israelis will be their ultimate doom. 
Anti-Israeli and anti-Jewish sentiments are on 
the increase all over the world, including within 
the US, their strongest ally. This sentiment is a 
natural reaction to the barbaric, Spartan, Nazi 
Zionist Israeli occupation of Palestine, to the 
Israeli violations of all international laws and 
human rights, and to the Jewish contempt, 
rejection, and usury of all non-Jews. Most 
important this hate will eat Israelis from 
within. As has been disclosed recently the hate 
and discrimination between the different 
religious and political groups and ethnicities of 
Israelis are on the rise. Discrimination is 
rampant in the Israeli society against African 
Jews (Ethiopians in particular and blacks; 
“Kushim”, in general) and against Asian Jews 
(Iraqi, Iranian, Indian, Pakistani, and Chinese 
Jews). Religious discrimination against women is 
increasing demanding that women sit in the rear 
of the bus, similar to American blacks in the 
50’s and 60’s. There is a discriminatory war 
going on between Western and Occidental Jews, and 
between the different religious factions; 
Hasidic, Ultra-Orthodox, Hareidi, and Chabad-Lubavitch religious groups.

Breeding hatred in Israel against all others who 
are differen turns inward against the different 
factions of the Israeli fabric. War is their only 
uniting factor. Israeli Jews are caught between a 
life of hatred and a life of perpetual war. I 
hope more Israeli Jews will wake up to the ugly 
realities of their state as Atzmon, Elhanan and Rosengarten had done.


Dr. Elias Akleh is an Arab writer from a 
Palestinian descent born in the town of Beit 
Jala. His family was first evicted from Haifa 
after the “Nakba” of 1948, then from Beit Jala 
after the “Nakseh” of 1967. He lives now in the 
US, and publishes his articles on the web in both English and Arabic.

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