[News] Empire and its arrogance - then and now

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jan 13 10:38:40 EST 2012

The urination atrocity by US Marines in 
Afghanistan reminds us of the Jose Marti statue 
referred to in the First Declaration of 
which we can say really PISSED the Cuban people off!


On March 12, 1949, three crew members from the U. 
S. Navy ships visiting Havana urinated on the 
monument of José Martí, Cuba's most venerated patriot.

 From the First Declaration of Havana:

The National General Assembly of the People of 
Cuba energetically condemns the overt and 
criminal intervention exerted by North American 
imperialism for more than a century over all the 
nations of Latin America, which have seen their 
lands invaded more than once in Mexico, 
Nicaragua, Haiti, Santo Domingo and Cuba; have 
lost, through the voracity of Yankee imperialism, 
huge and rich areas, whole countries, such as 
Puerto Rico, which has been converted into an 
occupied territory; and have suffered, moreover, 
the outrageous treatment dealt by the Marines to 
our wives and daughters, as well as to the most 
exalted symbols of our history, such as the statue of José Martí.

This intervention, based upon military 
superiority, inequitable treaties and the 
miserable submission of treacherous rulers 
throughout one hundred years has converted our 
America ­ the America that Bolívar, Hidalgo, 
Juárez, San Martín, O'Higgins, Sucre and Martí 
wanted free ­ into an area of exploitation, the 
backyard of the political and financial Yankee 
empire, a reserve of votes for the international 
organization in which the Latin America countries 
have figured only as the herds driven by the 
"restless and brutal North that despises us."

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