[News] On the 2nd Anniversary of Haiti Earthquake

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jan 12 18:45:25 EST 2012

Dear Haiti Action brothers and sisters,

Today, January 12 marks the 2nd anniversary of the devastating 
earthquake that collapsed much of Port-au-Prince and points south, 
killing at least 316,000 people, and leaving more than a million 
homeless. People of the world opened their hearts to Haiti and gave 
more than $3.6 billion.  UN countries pledged an additional $9.9 
billion over three years.

In the linked truthout article: 
Seven Places Where Earthquake Money Did and Did Not Go, Bill Quigley 
and Amber Ramanauskas tell us the shameful truth about what happened 
to the money.

In the ongoing efforts to reverse the democratic gains of the 
grassroots majority Lavalas movement and in keeping with the goals of 
the February 29, 2004 coup, the Haitian and international elites have 
now imposed on Haitians the presidency of popular musician Michel 
Martelly. He was funded by "unidentified millionaires" in Florida and 
strongly supported by US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to became 
the Haitian face to preside over disaster capitalism in Haiti. As the 
US ambassador wired after the earthquake, "THE GOLD RUSH IS ON."

Martelly has quickly begun to act like the second coming of the 
Duvaliers, rife with extravagant spending and nepotism. He's filled 
his appointments with Duvalier associates. He's also called for the 
reconstitution of the brutally-repressive and hated Haitian army, 
disbanded by President Aristide in 1995, the most  popular action of 
his administration. A member of the Haitian senate claims he has 
evidence that Martelly is a US citizen, making him ineligible to be 
the president of Haiti. The Haitian media is full of news of these 
scandals, but they're totally unreported in the US or international press.

We ask you to turn your thoughts once again to Haiti on this terrible 
anniversary. Support Haiti's 99%, who call for:
    * An end to the U.N. occupation, its bloody repression, and the rapes and
    * child prostitution that have come with it.
    * A truly democratic government, with free and fair elections in which all
    * parties can run candidates.
    * U.N. to take responsibility for the cholera epidemic it introduced.
    * No return of the Haitian army, which has long suppressed popular
    * organizations.
    * Distribution of aid money to rebuild Haiti the way the Haitian 99% wants
    * it built, not the Obama/Clinton administration.
    * A living wage.  An end to sweatshops.
Haiti Action Committee
<http://www.haitisolidarity.net/>www.haitisolidarity.net and on FACEBOOK

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