[News] Cointelpro 101 showing in Havana Dec 4th & 5th

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Nov 25 10:01:18 EST 2011

A small delegation is going to the

in Havana, Cuba where Cointelpro 101 will screen

Sunday Dec. 4 at 5:30 pm and
Monday Dec. 5 at 12:30 pm at Infanta Cinema Room 4

Dear Friends,

In the midst of new worldwide and national 
currents of change, the passing on of lessons of 
the past to new generations takes on even greater 
meaning.  Your year-end contribution gives 
Freedom Archives the ability to sustain and expand our work. Thank you!

Our award winning film 
101 has been shown both nationally and 
internationally ­generating unique opportunities 
for organizing and sharing the lessons and 
strategies of resistance and mobilization. We 
were recently “on the road” in Chicago and 
Upstate NY and will be presenting the film at the 
prestigious Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine 
Latinoamericano in Havana Cuba.

We have been working hard to organize a truly 
unique way of accessing our archives on 
line.  This will give Freedom Archives the 
ability to share our resources more effectively 
with communities and individuals throughout the world.

We marked the untimely passing of Geronimo ji 
Jaga. Geronimo’s lifelong resistance in the 
struggles of human rights and Black liberation is 
one that needs to be shared throughout our 
communities. Take a look at our 
page to see and listen to videos and audio clips 
that highlight his years of struggle in prison 
and his unwavering commitment to free all political prisoners.

We celebrated a significant victory in the San 
Francisco 8 case on October 22nd, with the 
dismissal of the final charges against Francisco 
Torres. This case erupted in January of 2007­the 
week our 
of Torture premiered. 
of Torture traces the history of repression 
against the Black Panther Party from 1973 to the case of the San Francisco 8.

Two short videos made by the Freedom Archives 
were also central to commemorations marking 40 
years since the murder 
of<http://vimeo.com/27870164> George Jackson and 
the <http://vimeo.com/16298370>Attica Rebellion 
of 1971. You can see both of these on our website as well.

of Torture and 
101 highlight the essential role that the 
resources of Freedom Archives can play in keeping 
the voices of struggle and resistance alive and 
growing. As we travel both nationally and 
internationally we are engaging with young 
people, longtime activists, academics, and 
community institutions that are carrying the 
torch of previous and current generations.

What we are planning for this coming year

101 is particularly timely in focusing attention 
on the current escalation of government 
repression – especially in the context of the 
Grand Juries targeting activists in the Midwest, 
the increased attacks on immigrants, the rise in 
Islamophobia, and the growing resistance of those 
imprisoned in Control Unit prisons and in prolonged isolation.

By integrating documents into our searchable 
database over the last year, we have created a 
much more complex and thorough collection of 
materials. Our challenge is to create a web-based 
interface that is much more friendly and 
intuitive­so non-scholars can explore the 
richness of our holdings. By upgrading our data 
management and by designing a thematically-based 
and more graphic web presence, we hope to attract 
a broader and younger group to explore our holdings.

Our pilot project will focus on the historic 
movement to close Control Unit prisons. Control 
Units have proliferated since the 1980s and now 
house over 100,000 prisoners in prolonged 
isolation. This project takes on heightened 
significance In light of the recent hunger 
strikes in California led by Pelican Bay 
prisoners demanding an end to prolonged 
isolation. We are expecting to make these 
documents, audio, and video materials available on-line in the coming months.

Your Contributions

Your support has made our work possible. As we 
begin our 12th year, we are fortunate not to be 
dependent on grants or foundations, rather we 
have continued to expand our base and capacity by 
relying on you­members of our community who stand 
for justice. Every donation, no matter how small, 
contributes to our ability to keep on keepin’ on. 
Thank you in advance for standing shoulder to shoulder with Freedom Archives.

Preserving the Past – Illuminating the Present – and Shaping the Future!

Remember – it is easy to donate online or to 
become a monthly sustainer by clicking 

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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