[News] Illegal U.S. programs to promote destabilizing activities in Cuba exposed

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Tue Mar 22 10:57:53 EDT 2011


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New York/ March 22nd, 2011

Illegal U.S. programs to promote destabilizing activities in Cuba exposed.

The U.S. Government maintains unchanged its 
policy of subversion and interference in Cuban 
internal affairs, and its priorities of promoting 
internal counterrevolution and destabilizing 
activities, while strengthening the blockade and 
seizure of Cuban commercial and financial transaction all over the world.

A series of testimonial documentaries broadcast 
on Cuban television have revealed 
connections of counterrevolutionary individuals 
in the Island with the U.S. The documentaries 
also made public evidence of 
plans to try to introduce in the island illegal 
communication and spying systems with 
sophisticated technology, and how the U.S. Agency 
for International Development (USAID) serves as a 
cover for anti-Cuba CIA activities to 
social leaders, supposedly trained as agents for 
political change who try to influence youth and 
academics. The materials exposed U.S. plans of 
aggression using new information and communication technology.

Empire´s Pawns, Moises Rodríguez and Carlos 
Serpa, who for a long time lived side by side 
with factions that operate on the Island under 
direct orders of terrorists who live in the U.S., 
revealed evidence of how the so-called dissidents 
or alleged advocates of the human rights in Cuba 
received money directly from the U.S.

Rodríguez received instructions for plotting 
against the Cuban Government, even from diplomats 
of the U.S. Interest Section in Havana. He was 
sent by that diplomatic mission to Miami where he 
held meetings with notorious terrorists, among 
them Luis Posada Carriles, and learnt about the 
subversive plans to try to consolidate inside Cuba a destabilizing movement.

In the case of Serpa, he was instructed by the 
anti-Cuban campaign ringleaders to spread false 
information about what was supposedly going on in 
Cuba, through Radio Martí and other U.S. media. 
He explained the way such illegal activity was carried out.

and Principles, Dalexis Gonzalez Madruga, a 
graduate student in telecommunication engineering 
at the Jose Antonio Echeverria University, 
revealed he was contacted by U.S. agents to 
illegally introduce sophisticated equipment and 
install a network feasible to transmit directly 
to the US Interest Section (USINT) in Havana.

They tried to use Gonzalez Madruga's 
technological advances and knowledge for 
exchanging information and instructions. The 
latter destined to facilitate destabilizing 
activities within the national territory.

The documentary showed the whole process of 
introduction of such equipment hidden in items 
for surfing, and also showed that the major 
technological advances in the field of 
communications are used by the U.S. not to help 
the economic and social development, but to carry 
out destabilizing plans in Cuba.
Paid Lies, Frank Carlos Vazquez, a Cuban painter, 
revealed U.S. plans to fabricate social leaders, 
supposedly trained as agents for political change 
who try to influence youth and academics.

Vazquez was directly contacted by an official 
from the U.S. Interest Section in Havana, and was 
allowed to travel to that country for alleged 
training. That project aims to provide a 
counterrevolutionary look at typical problems of 
Cuban society, and to create events or leaders 
for channeling the interests of the U.S. government with regards to Cuba.

Cuba exposed U.S. new plans of aggression using 
new information and communication technology, as 
well as the so-called cyber-dissidents or 
cyber-mercenaries, trying to subvert order and 
create confusion among the population.

“Cyber Dissidents on the Web” was the site 
created to prepare the main actions to defame the 
Cuban Revolution, for which the U.S. Government 
has enough resources, money and the use of 
wireless technology, as well as social networks widely used to spread lies.

In the documentary 
different experts exposed the modus operandi of 
these powerful cyberspace centers in the 
development of the so-called “Media Campaigns”, 
in which they distort reality and attack 
socialism and the main leaders of the Cuban 
Revolution. All the actions of the independent 
bloggers have a unique pattern, the U.S. Interests Section in Havana.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba 
reiterated in a statement issued last January, 
“its will, already expressed by the Cuban 
Government, to hold respectful talks about any 
topic whatsoever with the U.S. Government, as 
long as it is between equals, without prejudicing 
our country's independence, sovereignty and 
self-determination”, and stated that “it will not 
tolerate any interference whatsoever by the U.S. 
in the internal affairs of Cuba and will use all 
political and legal mechanisms at its disposal to confront it”.

Useful links:
-          Documentary: “The Empire´s Pawns” 
I)/ (<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TBKURhGbzw>Part II)
-          Documentary: “Trues and Principles” 
I)/ (<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsgtVSgVN8U>Part II)
-          Documentary: “Well Paid Lies” 
I)/ (<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpKftrEw6uc>Part II)
-          Documentary: “Cyberwar”[1] 
I)/ (<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcZx3ATIVG8>Part II)

[1] The English version of the Documentary 
Cyberwar has not been posted yet. Links above are for the Spanish version.

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