[News] Israel Out of Our Film Festival - Protest Fri @ Castro Theater, SF

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Wed Jun 15 11:14:31 EDT 2011

SF Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans Film Festival PINKWASHES War Crimes

Apartheid -- Occupation -- Invasion -- Murder -- Racism -- Ethnic Cleansing

The San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival has accepted 
sponsorship and money from the Israeli consulate for the second year 
in a row.  Every Palestinian queer organization, along with a number 
of local and international queer groups, have demanded that the 
festival presenter, Frameline, stand up for human rights and 
international law by refusing to partner with the Israeli 
government.  The Consulate and its supporters have threatened to 
brand the festival as "anti-Jewish" if they decline their money.  But 
by accepting it, and ignoring the voices and the lives of Palestinian 
queers, Frameline has shown itself to be anti-queer as well as 

Join the Protest
Friday, June 17, 5:30-7:00 pm
Castro Theater, San Francisco

Shame on Frameline!  All Queers Count!

Sponsored by Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT!), SouthWest 
Asian and North African Bay Area Queers (SWANABAQ), Middle East 
Children's Alliance, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, 
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Israeli Queers for 
Palestine, Palestinian Queers for BDS

for info: <http://www.quitpalestine.org/>www.quitpalestine.org; 
<mailto:quitpalestine at yahoo.com>quitpalestine at yahoo.com; 

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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