[News] Puerto Rico: Violence Continues as Students Engage in Civil Disobedience

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Fri Jan 28 10:47:54 EST 2011

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Puerto Rico: Violence Continues as Students Engage in Civil Disobedience

Posted By César Santiago On 28 January 2011 @ 14:39 pm


Mother supports her son. Photo by Jesús Vázquez, 
of Desde Adentro. Republished from Rojo 
Gallito/Desde Adentro under a CC License.*
*This post is part of 
Voices' special coverage of the student strike [1].

On January 20th, students from the University of 
Puerto Rico (UPR) started staging almost daily 
acts of civil disobedience at the Río Piedras 
campus as part of their strike against the $800 
dollar annual fee imposed by the administration. 
The Police has already arrested at least 100 
students and assaulted journalists who have been covering the protests.

Students also participated in a sit-in on 
Thursday January 27 in front of and nearby the 
Capitolio, the building that houses the 
Legislature, in the capital San Juan. Students 
were petitioning senators and representatives to 
approve legislation that would give funds to the 
UPR in order to avoid the imposition of the 
special tuition fee. Regular and special police 
forces used tear gas and rubber bullets against 
students and journalists. The situation turned 
into chaos and protesters ran into a nearby park 
where tensions mounted. Here is a video and images of the day:


Arrest during protest in fron of the Legislature. 
Photo by Aura Colón Solá from Rojo Gallito/Desde 
Adentro and republished under a CC License.*

Students protest in front of the Legislature. 
Photo by Ricardo Alcaraz from Diálogo and republished under a CC License.*

Students protest in front of the Legislature. 
Photo by Aura Colón Solá from Rojo Gallito/Desde 
Adentro republished under a CC License.*

The site <http://pr.indymedia.org>Indymediapr.org 
[5] [es] documented with video and photos 
2 [6] [es] of the acts of civil disobedience and 
the clashes with police and arrests.

The online magazine <http://qiibo.com>Qiibo [7] 
[es] informed 
the police impeded the press from properly documenting these arrests [8]:

La OPC denunció que el fotoperiodista de EL NUEVO 
DIA, Xavier Araújo, integrantes de la Fuerza de 
Choque le patearon su cámara, en momentos en 
donde se arrestaron a cerca de 44 manifestantes 
en los predios de la Universidad.

The OPC (Overseas Press Club) denounced that 
members of the Tactical Operations Division 
kicked the camera of El NUEVO DIA’s photographer, 
Xavier Araújo, when around 44 protesters were 
being arrested close to the University.

Law professor Érika Fontánez Torres analyzed the 
validity of using civil disobedience 
her blog 
Espacio y Ambiente [9] [es] in which she 
discusses an essay by German sociologist 
Habermas [10] that justifies civil disobedience under certain circumstances:

 es preciso reconocer la desobediencia civil 
como parte componente de la cultura política de 
una comunidad democrática. Cuando fracasa la 
Constitución representativa ante retos (
) los 
ciudadanos que no disponen de oportunidades 
privilegiadas de ejercer influencia, han de 
ejercer las funciones inmediatas del soberano y 
deben recurrir a la desobediencia civil con la 
intención de dar un impulso a las necesarias correcciones e innovaciones.

it is important to recognize civil disobedience 
as a component of the political culture of a 
democratic community. When the representative 
Constitution fails the challenges (
) citizens 
who do not have the privileged opportunities to 
exert influence, must exert the immediate 
functions of the sovereign and resort to civil 
disobedience with the intention to impulse the 
necessary corrections and innovations.

Digital [11] [es] captured images of the 
impressive police presence at the University of 
Puerto Rico, Río Piedras campus, where SWAT teams 
and mounted police joined campus police, private 
security guards, regular officers, and the Tactical Operations Division.

As the number of student arrests during the last 
week neared the one-hundred mark, including those 
of student leader Xiomara Caro and the founder of 
the student radio station 
<http://radiohuelga.com/wordpress/>Radio Huelga 
[12] [es] Ricardo Olivera, protesters all the way 
across the Atlantic Ocean were able to reach 
Puerto Rican pro-statehood and Republican 
Governor Luis Fortuño, as he prepared to speak at 
the University of Valladolid's Law School in Spain.

The group responsible for the protest in Spain 
explained their motivations via press release, 
reported by the student blog 
Adentro [13] [es]:

Hemos asistido con la intención de dejar en 
evidencia ante la comunidad internacional y en 
especial ante los compañeros estudiantes de 
mencionada universidad que el distinguido 
conferenciante, es el encargado de la destrucción 
de la Universidad pública puertorriqueña, de la 
represión y abuso contra los estudiantes en la 
UPR, del descalabro socio-político de la sociedad 
puertorriqueña, la destrucción ambiental y el 
aumento en la criminalidad en Puerto Rico.

We've come here with the intention of providing 
evidence to the international community and 
especially to our fellow students of the 
aforementioned university, that the distinguished 
speaker is in charge of the destruction of Puerto 
Rico's public university, of the repression and 
abuse against students at the UPR, of the 
socio-political disaster of Puerto Rican society, 
the destruction of our environment, and the rise of crime in Puerto Rico.
The President of the UPR, José Ramón de la Torre, 
[14] [es] that 94% (54,000) of the students in 
the 11 campuses of the system have already 
registered for this semester, which means that 
they have already complied with the annual $800 fee.
*Post co-authored with 
<http://globalvoicesonline.org/author/alfredo-richner/>Alfredo Richner [15].
*Photos from 
Gallito/Desde Adentro [16] and 
<http://www.dialogodigital.com/>Diálogo [17] 
CC License NC-ND 3.0 [18].

Article printed from Global Voices in English: http://globalvoicesonline.org

URL to article: 

URLs in this post:

Voices' special coverage of the student strike: 

[2] Image: http://globalvoicesonline.org/?attachment_id=190189

[3] Image: http://globalvoicesonline.org/?attachment_id=190192

[4] Image: http://globalvoicesonline.org/?attachment_id=190212

[5] Indymediapr.org: http://pr.indymedia.org

[6] day 2: http://pr.indymedia.org/news/2011/01/47053.php

[7] Qiibo: http://qiibo.com

[8] the police impeded the press from properly 
documenting these arrests: 

[9] in her blog Poder, Espacio y Ambiente: 

[10] Jürgen Habermas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%BCrgen_Habermas

[11] Diálogo Digital: http://www.youtube.com/user/EditoresDialogo

[12] Radio Huelga: http://radiohuelga.com/wordpress/

[13] as reported by the student blog Desde 

[14] announced: 

[15] Alfredo Richner: http://globalvoicesonline.org/author/alfredo-richner/

[16] Rojo Gallito/Desde Adentro: http://rojogallito.blogspot.com/

[17] Diálogo: http://www.dialogodigital.com/

[18] CC License NC-ND 3.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/

to print.

Licensed Creative Commons Attribution, 2008 
Global Voices Online. See attribution policy for 
details: http://globalvoicesonline.org/about/global-voices-attribution-policy

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