[News] Haiti Event - Oakland, January 14th - Solidarity on the Anniversary of the quake

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jan 10 18:46:09 EST 2011


Join Haiti Action Committee as we stand in solidarity with the people 
of Haiti on the one year anniversary of the January 12 earthquake.

Come hear what Haitian grassroots organizations are doing to rebuild 
their country in the face of the devastating seven-year-old foreign occupation
and fraudulent "elections," and how we can help support their efforts.


Pierre Labossiere - Co-founder of Haiti Action Committee
Paulette Joseph - Coordinator Organization Fanm Vanyan [OFAV], 
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Ayana Labossiere - Haiti Action Committee
Walter Riley - Chair of Haiti Emergency Relief Fund

Friday - January 14 - 7PM

East Side Arts Alliance
2277 International Blvd. s Oakland, CA
$5 - $20 donation requested
(no one turned away)

Look for Haiti Action Committee on Facebook and keep up with latest 
news and events!

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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