[News] Shoah Backfires

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Mon Jan 10 11:25:01 EST 2011

Gilad Atzmon:

Shoah Backfires
Monday, January 10, 2011 at 1:27PM


  For years  Israelis and  Zionists have been pumping  'Shoah' into 
our veins by using every possible propaganda outlet: media, 
education, Hollywood, music, literature, billboards and so on.

Seemingly they have been very successful : We are all properly ' 
Holocausted '. We accept the suffering of the Jewish people -- and we 
have even managed to draw a universal message from it all.

We do accept that a real Shoah is taking place in front of our eyes 
in Palestine, where the Jewish state locks millions of Palestinians 
behind bars: it starves them,  it stops medical supplies, food, 
cement, and educational materials from getting in. But it does not 
stop there -- when the Jewish state feels like it, it also kills 
Palestinians indiscriminately.  It either blitzes them with white 
phosphorous , or  sends in its tank battalions  to drive over Gaza.

In preparation for  <http://www.hmd.org.uk/about/>Holocaust Memorial 
Day (1), London Zionist 
Jewish Chronicle is  very disturbed by a UK-based  pro Palestinian 
web site named <http://www.shoah.org.uk/>shoah.org.uk. The site is 
obviously dedicated to the Palestinian Holocaust.

The Jewish paper insists that  the Shoah -- like Israel -- is a 'Jews 
only club'. They do not want to 'let anyone else in'.

Karen Pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational Trust 
told the Jewish paper, "Using the word 'Shoah' in this context is 
done with the sole intention of causing offence to Holocaust 
survivors, their families and the wider Jewish community and shows 
the greatest possible disrespect to the tragedy of the Holocaust."

I would fiercely argue that Pollock is wrong.  Using the word 'Shoah' 
in this very context is there to awaken the world, the Jews, and 
holocaust victims in particular,  to the fact that the biggest 
current  perpetrator of crimes against humanity -- is actually  the 
Jewish state.

Mark Gardner, of the  Community Security Trust, said: "This website 
is yet another sickening example of how the Holocaust is perverted by 
anti-Zionists in order to attack Israel and Zionism."

Mark Gardner is almost correct; anti Zionists do indeed use the Shoah 
as a means of mirroring. And it is now an accepted fact that the 
Palestinians are the last victims of Hitler. It is also becoming 
accepted that the Israelis are the Nazis of our time. And tragically 
enough, the crimes in Palestine carried out by the Jewish state are 
also being committed in the name of the Jewish people. As if this is 
not enough, it is Jewish pilots who drop white phosphorus from planes 
which are decorated with Jewish symbols.

These facts are disturbing and demand the immediate attention of world Jewry.

Jon Benjamin, chief executive of the Board of Deputies ( another 
morbid institute that claims to represent British Jews ) told the 
Jewish Chronicle  that "even without delving into what is clearly a 
one-sided and skewed narrative, by virtue of its title, this website 
is extremely provocative and any trivialisation of the Holocaust in 
which over six million Jewish men, women, and children were 
systematically murdered is completely abhorrent."

Benjamin is probably too lame to grasp that what we see here is the 
total opposite -- We are actually witnessing an acceptance of an 
astute universalising of the holocaust as carrying a humanist message 
for all of us. We can see a deeper understanding of the true moral 
meaning of that historical event.

Surely we need to stand up against all forms of ethno-centric 
homicidal policies. And it seems clear that Israel is no different 
from Nazi Germany in that regard. In fact Israel is far worse, 
because Israel acts under the guise of being a democracy, and its 
merciless policies are a  reflection of the majority Israeli 
population's yearning to live in a 'Jews only' state.

However, a few questions are still left open -- Why exactly do the 
aforementioned Jews from the Jewish Chronicle and the Board of 
Deputies want to maintain the notion and reality of historical 
suffering as being exclusively Jewish property? Why don't they want 
anyone else to use the word 'Shoah'?  Why do they demand a total 
control over the usage of words and applications of meanings ?

Can you imagine a Ukrainian protesting against the word 'famine' 
being  applied to the situation in Ethiopia?

I really wonder why so many Jews insist on grounding their identity 
politics on suffering and being hated by others?

For clearly, one must admit that being loathed is not exactly 
something to  brag about.

I am bewildered.

(1) It is interesting to read the definition of the Holocaust 
Memorial Day on the official HMD's <http://www.hmd.org.uk/about/>site:

"HMD is about remembering the victims and those whose lives have been 
changed beyond recognition of the Holocaust, Nazi persecution and 
subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and the ongoing 
atrocities today in Darfur."

Basically everywhere except in Palestine.

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