[News] Egypt - April 6th movement and leadership of the suggle

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Feb 12 19:14:39 EST 2011

A great video taking on the myth that what happens in Egypt is 
leaderless. See this 25 minute video at this link.


It is widely accepted that the spark for the recent dramatic events 
in Egypt came from last month's uprising in Tunisia. If people power 
could bring down one regime perhaps it could do the same elsewhere.

Many of the necessary conditions were already in place: public fury 
at years of political repression, an economy that rewarded a corrupt 
elite and kept a majority in poverty, and widespread loathing for a 
leader clinging to office.

Could Egyptians be persuaded to overcome 30 years of fear and apathy 
and take to the streets?

It is no accident that this question has been answered, emphatically. 
Over the course of a remarkable fortnight, People & Power has been 
filming exclusively behind the scenes with a core group of young 
activists from the April 6th opposition movement.

As Elizabeth Jones reveals, they have spent a long time planning and 
organising for these momentous days, taking lessons from other 
revolutions about how to mobilise popular support.

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