[News] Outrage in El Paso: Posada Acquitted

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Apr 9 02:58:26 EDT 2011

National Committee To Free The Cuban Five
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Outrage in El Paso:
Posada Acquitted!
U.S. Government Terrorist Walks Free

In El Paso today, following a 13-week trial in 
which the evidence against him was overwhelming, 
notorious terrorist Luis Posada Carriles was 
acquitted by a jury after a shockingly short three hours of deliberation.

The U.S. government has been at war against the 
Cuban people since they carried out a revolution 
in 1959. As a CIA employee and part of that war, 
Posada Carriles committed many acts of terrorism 
against the Cuban people and others.

Today Posada walks free in a mockery of justice, while the Cuban Five
anti-terrorists are still imprisoned for almost 13 years.

If the U.S. had really wanted a conviction of 
Luis Posada Carriles on his real crimes of 
terrorism, it would have been easily achieved. 
But the U.S. government chose to try Posada for 
the ridiculously minor charges of perjury and immigration fraud.

This is why the National Committee, along with 
the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition and local activists in 
El Paso held a "Peoples Tribunal" and protest 
before the start of the federal trial, to expose 
Posada's crimes of terrorism to the world.

Today's acquittal, together with the continued 
incarceration of the Cuban Five heroes who risked 
their lives to prevent acts of terrorism by 
Posada's allies, is a clear indication that the 
U.S. war against the Cuban people and Cuban revolution continues.
The National Committee to Free the Cuban Five is 
outraged by this travesty of "justice," as are 
all supporters of Cuba and the Cuban Five.

The verdict of "not guilty" in Luis Posada 
Carriles's trial in El Paso does not absolve him 
of his terrorist crimes. And the struggle to 
bring Posada and his accomplices to justice does not end with today's verdict.
Demand Posada's Extradition!
Act today to demand justice for the 73 plane bombing victims,
for Fabio di Celmo, and for all the victims of U.S.-backed
anti-Cuba terrorism!

We urge everyone to contact the U.S. State 
Department and demand the immediate extradition 
of Posada to Venezuela, where he is wanted for 
the murder of 73 people in the mid-air bombing of Cubana Flight 455.
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

You can help in the campaign for justice!

Organize showings of the documentary, "Posada 
Carriles: Terrorism Made in the U.S.A" to educate the public;
To gain greater insight into the travesty of the 
El Paso trial, we recommend that you read the 
excellent daily reports of the process by José 
Pertierra, who attended every day of the trial. 
He is the attorney representing the Venezuelan 
government in the extradition order.

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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