[News] SF - Tuesday - Protest FBI Raids on Antiwar movement

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Sep 27 10:33:46 EDT 2010

United National Antiwar Committee
UNAC, P.O. Box 123, Delmar, NY 12054; Ph. 518-281-1968
or 518-227-6947  <mailto:UNACpeace at gmail.com>UNACpeace at gmail.com

Media release/Press conference

Local contacts: Jeff Mackler 510-268-9429; Bill Balderston: 
510-436-5138: Blanca Miess?: 510-725-8875

U.S. Antiwar Movement Under Government Attack!
Defend victims of nationwide FBI/government raids, seizures and subpoenas!

Demonstrate: Tuesday,  September 28, 5:00 pm

Federal  Bldg., 7th St. and Mission, San Francisco

On the morning of Sept. 24, FBI agents armed with Grand Jury 
subpoenas raided the homes of several antiwar and social justice 
activists in Minnesota, Michigan and Illinois. As we write reports 
are coming in that FBI agents have been contacting other activists in 
Wisconsin, North Carolina and California.

Among those subpoenaed and/or whose organizations are under attack 
are supporters of the United National Antiwar Committee (UNAC). They 
attended our founding July 23-25, 2010, Albany, New York founding 
national conference of 800 activists from 35 states. The UNAC 
conference approved a 28-point Action Plan culminating in bi-coastal 
San Francisco/New York mass demonstrations demanding that the U.S. 
government immediately withdraw of all U.S. troops, mercenaries and 
war contractors from Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Other conference 
approved demands were  End U.S. aid to Israel  military, economic and 
diplomatic. End U.S. support to the Israeli Occupation of Palestine 
and the siege of Gaza!

Using the pretext of investigating "terrorism," and with "possibly 
providing material aid to terrorists," the FBI agents - 20 in the 
Twin Cities and 12 in Chicago - were armed with search and seizure 
warrants signed by U.S. Magistrate Judges and/or representatives  of 
the U.S. Attorney's office. They seized computers, cell phones, 
political leaflets and other printed materials.  In Minnesota agents 
worked for 12 hours confiscating material including 30 boxes of 
literature, photographs of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X and 
pictures drawn by their children.

The individuals targeted included leaders of organizations like the 
Minneapolis Antiwar Committee, whose office was raided, the Palestine 
Solidarity Group, the Colombia Action Network and the Freedom Road 
Socialist Organization.

The activists were ordered to appear before Grand Juries in various 
cities investigating criminal activity and possible 
association  with  ?terrorist? organizations. The earliest subpoena 
dates were October 5 and 7.

The FBI also has also served or harassed activists in North Carolina 
and Wisconsin as part of the same investigation.

The government's subpoenas "commanded" the recipients to bring with 
them to the Grand Jury proceedings:

(1) all pictures and videos relating to any trip to Colombia, Jordan, 
Syria, the Palestinian Territories, or Israel; (2) all items relating 
to any trip to Colombia, Jordan, Syria, the Palestinian Territories, 
or Israel;  (3) all correspondence, including but not limited to 
emails and letters, with anyone residing in Colombia, Jordan, Syria, 
the Palestinian Territories,  or Israel; (4) all records of any 
payment provided directly or indirectly to Hatem Abudayyeh, the 
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) or the 
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC); (5) all records of any 
telephonic or electronic communications with anyone in Colombia, 
Jordan, Syria, the Palestinian Territories, or Israel; and (6) any 
item related to any support provided to any designated terrorist 
organization, including the PFLP or the FARC.
All those subpoenaed have refused to discuss their political work and 
views with FBI agents, as is their right. They have publicly 
denounced these raids as an attempt by the government to intimidate 
and repress opposition to U.S. wars of intervention and occupation.

The United National Antiwar Committee denounces the government?s 
raids, seizures and subpoena as an attack on the entire antiwar 
movement and all organizations seeking social justice and an end to 
U.S. wars of intervention around the world. We stand in full 
solidarity with all those who now face government persecution and 
possible imprisonment.

The United National Antiwar Committee demands:

Stop the repression against anti-war and international solidarity activists.
Immediately return all confiscated materials: computers, cell phones, 
papers, documents, etc.
End the Grand Jury proceedings and FBI raids against all anti-war activists.
We call on all antiwar and social justice organization across the 
country to organize protest demonstrations on Monday, Tuesday or 
Wednesday, September 27, 28 or 29 at Federal Buildings or FBI offices.

Demonstrations have already been called in the following cities:

Minneapolis MN, Mon: 4:30, FBI Office Monday, 111 Washington Ave. S.
Chicago, IL, Monday: 4:30 FBI Building, 2111 W. Roosevelt Rd.
NYC, Tues. 4:30 to 6pm Federal Building, 26 Federal Plaza,
Newark, NJ Tues 5 to 6pm Federal Building Broad Street
Washington DC, Tues 4:30 ? 5:30 FBI Building 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW.
Detroit MI Tuesday 4:30 McNamara Federal Building
Buffalo, NY 4:30 at FBI Building - Corner of So. Elmwood Ave. & Niagara St.
Durham NC on Monday, 12 noon Federal Building, 323 E Chapel Hill St
Raleigh NC. Tuesday 9 am. Federal Building, 310 New Bern Ave
Asheville, NC Tuesday
Atlanta, GA, Tues Noon, FBI Building
Gainesville, FL on Monday, 4:30 PM at FBI Building
Salt Lake City, Utah, 9 AM on Monday at Federal Building

Add your voice to denounce the attacks on antiwar and social justice 
activists. Call the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder at 202-353-1555 
or write an email to: <mailto:AskDOJ%40usdoj.gov>AskDOJ at usdoj.gov.

Send copies of all communications to UNAC at the above email address. 
Affiliate your organization to UNAC now! Join our National 
Coordinating Committee of antiwar and social justice organizations 
across the county to immediately end all U.S. wars, interventions. 
Trillions for jobs, education and human needs not war!

Joe Lombardo and Marilyn Levin,
Co-coordinators, United National Antiwar Committee

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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