[News] Is the FBI Providing Material Support for Terrorists?

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Sun Oct 10 10:24:28 EDT 2010

the FBI Providing Material Support for Terrorists?

Saturday October 9, 2010 8:01 pm

[Note: Minneapolis was the scene recently of FBI 
raids on the homes of several antiwar activists. 
Along with others in Chicago, they were 
subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury 
supposedly investigating material support of foreign terrorist organizations.]

Dear Minneapolis Federal Bureau of Investigation:

As you know from my previous communications to 
your office, I am interested in accountability 
for those who have violated the Federal Torture 
Statute, 18 U.S.C. Secs. 2340-2340A. I know you 
agree with this goal because the FBI admirably 
refused to participate in the torture policy that 
was put in place after September 11, 2001.

However, your refusal to investigate those who 
may well be implicated in this policy causes me 
some concern. First, we notified your office when 
former National Security Advisor and Secretary of 
State Condoleezza Rice, who has basically 
confessed to conspiracy to torture, was in the 
area. Nothing happened. We then informed you that 
Robert Delahunty, whose memo advising that the 
Geneva Conventions did not apply may have been 
part of a conspiracy to torture, lives and works 
in Minneapolis. Nothing happened. Lt. Gen. 
Ricardo Sanchez, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq 
at the time of the Abu Ghraib scandal, has said 
that that decision with respect to the Geneva 
Conventions "unleashed the hounds of hell." 
Finally, as you no doubt know, John Yoo, whose 
DOJ-renounced "torture memos" and other 
admissions clearly implicate him in such a 
conspiracy, was in town last week. Again, nothing happened.

Here is my concern. There is widespread agreement 
that U.S.-committed torture may well add to the 
ranks of terrorists. Former Secretary of Defense 
Donald Rumsfeld asked the Chair of the Joint 
Chiefs of Staff whether we were creating more 
terrorists than we were killing. There is no 
doubt he included in the causes of that scenario 
the publicity about the torture we had committed. 
President Obama has refused to release additional 
photographs of Abu Ghraib atrocities because he 
fears it would aid the terrorists. Many experts 
across the political spectrum ­ inside and 
outside the government, former and current agents 
in the CIA and the FBI ­ agree that torture aids the terrorists.

Equally likely is that our refusal to investigate 
and prosecute those we know have committed or 
conspired to commit torture lends material 
support to foreign terrorist organizations, which 
is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2339B. I 
encourage you to remedy this situation by 
instituting investigations of those who were 
engaged in our "systematic regime of torture," as 
Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba called it. Otherwise, I 
fear you may find yourselves subpoenaed to appear before the Grand Jury.


Chuck Turchick

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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