[News] US Ambassador in Quito Knows All About Coups D’Etat as Well as Blockades

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun Oct 3 11:54:51 EDT 2010

The U.S. Ambassador in Quito, Heather Hodges, 
Knows All About Coups D’Etat as Well as Blockades 
– <http://aporrea.org/internacionales/n166661.html>español

By Jean Guy Allard

Translation: Machetera

The United States Ambassador in Quito is 
“distinguished” for her numerous links with 
USAID, the public face of U.S. intelligence which 
dedicates scores of millions of dollars annually 
to the attempt to destabilize progressive 
governments in Latin America.  In her diplomatic 
career, she had the “privilege” of personal 
familiarity with the bloody dictatorship of the 
putschist Guatemalan Rio Montt and of conspiring 
as a high level official in the U.S. State 
Department’s Office of Cuban Affairs.

Heather Hodges is the former U.S. Ambassador to 
Moldova, a country that was part of the former 
USSR, where she dedicated herself to exacerbating 
the differences that Moldova had with Russia over the Trans-Dniestr region.

In Ecuador, it’s known that “Her Excellency” has 
not lost any opportunities to foment the sordid 
work of her intelligence personnel and exacerbate 
controversy in the debate about a separatist 
Guayaquil, promoted by certain rightwing elements.

Through USAID, Hodges also guarantees funds to 
NGOs manipulated by elements of the extreme 
rightwing in order to develop their operations to penetrate public opinion.

Her official State Department biography says that 
she was born in Cleveland, Ohio, that she earned 
a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish at St. Catherine 
University in St. Paul, Minnesota and a Masters 
Degree from New York University.  She lived for a 
number of years in Madrid, in Franco’s Spain, during the 1970's.

She arrived in Ecuador at the beginning of August 
2008, selected by the George W. Bush administration.

Hodges joined the State Department “staff” in 
1980 and was assigned to Caracas, Venezuela.

She later moved on to Guatemala where she was 
able to watch the coup d’etat that brought 
General Rios Montt to power and through U.S. 
complicity, accelerated the militarization of the 
country.  Civilian massacres took place in this, 
the most violent period in Guatemalan history.

In January of 1989, she went on to serve as 
consul before returning to the State Department.

Her extreme rightwing convictions allowed her to 
become the Deputy Director of the State 
Department’s Office of Cuban Affairs in 1991, a 
responsibility directly linked with CIA 
machinations.  She carried out her work in this 
office of ill repute within the State Department 
during the same period as the toppling of the 
socialist camp and the introduction of the 
anti-Cuban Torricelli law which promulgated the 
extraterritoriality of U.S. law in its blockade against Cuba.

In 1993 Hodges was assigned to the U.S. Embassy 
in Managua, Nicaragua as Deputy Chief of Mission 
during the government of Violeta Chamorro, under 
which the central bank, mines, transportation, 
healthcare, and education were privatized and 
indexes for drug trafficking, illiteracy and corruption skyrocketed.

Hodges was Deputy Chief of Mission for the U.S. 
Embassy in Madrid from June of 2000 until July of 
2003, under the regime of José María Aznar which 
bestowed upon her the “Isabel la Católica” medal 
“for her contributions to U.S. – Spanish relations.”

Jean-Guy Allard is a journalist living in Havana, 
Cuba.  Machetera is a member of 
<http://www.tlaxcala.es/>Tlaxcala, the network of 
translators for linguistic diversity. This 
translation may be reprinted as long as the 
content remains unaltered, and the source, author, and translator are cited.

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