[News] Agent Orange Justice Tour, Fri May 14 @ 7pm SF Vet's Building

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sun May 9 10:17:20 EDT 2010

Agent Orange Justice Tour
Public Reception
Meet & Hear Agent Orange victims

Friday, May 14th @ 7:00 - 9:00 pm

The San Francisco Veteran's Memorial Building, Room 223

Van Ness and McAllister Streets

Entertainment by Pianist Eddie Falcon,

Co-chair of SF/Bay Area  IVAW

Iraq Veterans Against the War

Speakers: Pham The Minh and Nguyen Thi Hien, direct from Vietnam!


*Help build awareness and exposure for the 
struggles of the victims of Agent Orange
*Connect to the International Corporate Campaign on Agent Orange
and the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign

The 5th U.S. Agent Orange Justice Tour
April 14 – May 16, 2010
Coming to Los Angeles, Washington State, Chicago, 
Atlanta, New York, Washington DC, San Francisco
·        Join Pham The Minh and Nguyen Thi Hien, direct from Vietnam!
·        Hear their personal stories & learn about the legacy of Agent Orange!
Today, millions of Vietnamese suffer the effects 
of chemical defoliants used by the United States 
during the Vietnam War. Agent Orange, which 
contains dioxin (the deadliest substance known to 
science), continues to cause death and sickness 
to millions of Vietnamese and many U.S. veterans.

More than thirty years after the war, Agent 
Orange remains in areas of the land and water of 
Vietnam, and in the bodies of those directly 
exposed, causing horrific birth defects to several generations of children.

Now momentum is building to achieve justice for 
these victims of Agent Orange!  The 5th Agent 
Orange Justice Tour will focus national attention 
on grass roots and legislative efforts to achieve 
comprehensive assistance to the victimsin Vietnam 
and to the offspring of U.S. veterans exposed to 
Agent Orange as well as to Vietnamese Americans affected.

Come hear the victims’ stories and find out what you can do!

PHAM THE MINH, whose parents were exposed to 
Agent Orange in Quang Tri Province where the 
sprayings were most intensive, was born after the 
war with deformed lower limbs and other health 
problems.  Minh’s whole family—from his younger 
sister who suffers congenital heart and lung 
disease to his parents who were directly 
sprayed—has faced countless hardships because of their medical conditions.
Minh, now age 33, has emerged an important voice 
in the campaign for justice.  This past May, 
2009, he traveled to Paris where he testified at 
an International Tribunal in Support of Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange.


NGUYEN THI HIEN, a dynamic leader and Member of 
the Central Committee of the Vietnam Association 
for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) and 
President of the Danang VAVA.  Danang is one of 
sites of the hot spots where dioxin from Agent 
Orange remains in the water and soil, continuing 
to poison the land and people.  VAVA is the only 
organization serving, representing and advocating 
for Vietnam’s Agent Orange victims. She was 
formerly the Director of the Social Affairs Department of the Danang Red Cross.

Vietnam  Agent Orange Responsibility and Relief Campaign

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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