[News] Support SF Resolution on Freedom Flotilla and Blockade on Gaza

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jun 10 10:17:01 EDT 2010

  Announcement and Actions in Support of SF Resolution on "Freedom 
Flotilla and Blockade on Gaza"

Action Items

1.    Email/Call the sponsoring Supervisors and thank them.

(suggested message and talking points below)

2.    Email/Call other supervisors and urge them to support the resolution.

(suggested message and talking points below)

3.    Turn out to the Board of Supervisors hearing on Tuesday June 
15th (as early as 2pm, hold the afternoon and we'll send more specifics)

4.    Make calls within your organizations, friends, and family to 
attend the June 15th hearing and to call and email supervisors.

5.    To be able to track our efforts, please confirm you've have 
done the following the 4 tasks listed above, by emailing 
sffreepalestine at gmail.com.

Dear comrades and allies,

(Please read the whole email!)

On June 9th, 2010, San Francisco City Supervisors John Avalos, David 
Campos, Chris Daly and Sophie Maxwell introduced a historic 
resolution for human rights condemning Israel's attack aboard the 
Gaza Freedom Flotilla, and calling for President Obama to work to end 
the siege on Gaza.

This resolution was authored as a result of over 50 people showing up 
to the Board of Supervisors meeting with just 24 hours notice to 
demand the board take a stand. Over 20 community members gave strong 
and moving testimony emphasizing the importance of our local 
government taking a stand on international human rights issues, in 
particular those that impact our local communities.  Among those 
present were two Bay Area residents who were onboard the Freedom Flotilla.

There has been overwhelming support for the Board of Supervisors 
taking a stand on this issue, and we are inspired by their proposal 
of a resolution to address the concerns and needs of San Francisco 
communities.  In addition to the many who came to testify in support, 
over 30 organizations have also endorsed the SF Supervisors taking a 
stand on such a critical and timely issue.

There is much more work to be done to get this historic and necessary 
resolution to pass and we need your support. Please see below for 
ways to support this resolution.

In addition to your support, we also ask you to get others to do the 
same. Spread the word and get confirmations!

If 800 people can join this humanitarian mission, using their 
personal funds to join the trip, taking several weeks off of work, 
and sadly, risking their lives to address the human rights crisis in 
Gaza, we are asking you to take a few simple actions to support them!

1.    Email/Call the sponsoring Supervisors and thank them

(contact info, suggested message and talking points below)

2.    Email/Call other supervisors and urge them to support the resolution.

(contact info, suggested message and talking points below)

3.    Turn out to the Board of Supervisors hearing on Tuesday June 
15th (as early as 2pm, hold the afternoon and we'll send more specifics)
4.    Make calls within your organizations, friends, and family to 
attend the June 15th hearing and to call and email supervisors.
5.    To be able to track our efforts, please confirm you've have 
done the following the 4 tasks listed above, by emailing 
sffreepalestine at gmail.com.


Thank these supervisors for their leadership in co-sponsoring!

Sample "thank you" call, email, or fax to Supervisors Avalos, Campos, 
Daly, and Maxwell:

(can be used as a script via telephone too):

Dear Supervisor _____________:

Thank you for speaking in support of civilians and the pursuit of 
human rights. Your principled stance gives us continued hope that as 
a country, and as a community, we will refuse to sit idly by and 
instead actively support justice and the rights of people everywhere.



City, State, SF District if Applicable

John Avalos: District 11 - Excelsior, Crocker-Amazon, Ingleside, 
Merced Heights, Ocean View, Balboa Park
(415) 554-6975 - Voice
(415) 554-6979 - Fax
<mailto:John.Avalos at sfgov.org>John.Avalos at sfgov.org

David Campos: District 9 - Mission, Bernal Heights and Portola neighborhoods
(415) 554-5144 - voice
(415) 554-6255 - fax
<mailto:David.Campos at sfgov.org>David.Campos at sfgov.org

Chris Daly: District 6 - South of Market, Tenderloin, North Mission, 
South Beach & Treasure Island
(415) 554-7970 - Voice
(415) 554-7974 - Fax
<mailto:Chris.Daly at sfgov.org>Chris.Daly at sfgov.org

Sophie Maxwell: District 10 - Potrero Hill, Bayview-Hunters Point, 
Visitacion Valley, Portola/Silver Terrace, Dogpatch, Little 
Hollywood, and Portola districts
(415) 554-7670 - Voice
(415) 554-7674 - Fax
<mailto:Sophie.Maxwell at sfgov.org>Sophie.Maxwell at sfgov.org

Urge these Supervisors to vote YES on Resolution: "Freedom Flotilla 
and Gaza Blockade"

Sample letter or phone script to Supervisors Chiu, Mar, Mirkarimi, 
Dufty, Chu, Elsbernd, Alioto-Pier:

Dear Supervisor____________,

My name is _________ and I am emailing you to express my support for 
the resolution condemning violence against civilians on the Gaza 
Freedom Flotilla, and to ask you to join a global movement for human 
rights and vote YES on this resolution.  As you know, the 
humanitarian crisis in Gaza is one of the worst in the world, and it 
is our responsibility as Americans to speak out against it, and 
support those who work to improve conditions for the civilian 
population.  I am appalled that the Israeli government responded to 
humanitarian aid workers by attacking in international waters and 
killing 9 of them and capturing nearly 800 including several Bay Area 
residents. I urge you to please take a stand and speak out against 
this violence.



City, State, SF District if Applicable

David Chiu - Board President: District 3 - North Beach, Chinatown, 
Telegraph Hill, Russian Hill, Polk Street, Nob Hill, Union Square, 
Financial District, Barbary Coast and Fisherman's Wharf
(415) 554-7450 - Voice
(415) 554-7454 - Fax
<mailto:David.Chiu at sfgov.org>David.Chiu at sfgov.org

Eric Mar: District 1 - Richmond
(415) 554-7410 - Voice
(415) 554-7415 - Fax
<mailto:Eric.L.Mar at sfgov.org>Eric.L.Mar at sfgov.org

Ross Mirkarimi: District 5 - Cole Valley, Lower Haight, Western 
Addition, Haight-Ashbury, parts of Inner Sunset
(415) 554-7630 - Voice
(415) 554-7634 - Fax
<mailto:Ross.Mirkarimi at sfgov.org>Ross.Mirkarimi at sfgov.org

Bevan Dufty: District 8 - Noe Valley, The Castro, Glen Park, Diamond 
Heights, Duboce Triangle, Dolores Park & San Jose / Guerrero, and 
Buena Vista Heights
(415) 554-6968 - Voice
(415) 554-6909 - Fax
Bevan.Dufty at sfgov.org

Carmen Chu: District 4 - Sunset
Voice: (415) 554-7460
Fax: (415) 554-7432
<mailto:Carmen.Chu at sfgov.org>Carmen.Chu at sfgov.org

Sean Elsbernd: District 7 - Lake Merced, Twin Peaks, Diamond Heights, 
Outer Sunset
(415) 554-6516 - Voice
(415) 554-6546 - Fax
<mailto:Sean.Elsbernd at sfgov.org>Sean.Elsbernd at sfgov.org

Michela Alioto-Pier:  District 2 - Marina
(415) 554-7752 - Voice
(415) 554-7843 - Fax
<mailto:Michela.Alioto-Pier at sfgov.org>Michela.Alioto-Pier at sfgov.org

Other talking points:

1.     Attacking civilians, especially aid workers, in international 
waters is wrong, no matter who is the attacker
2.     Obama is not doing enough to end the humanitarian crisis in 
Gaza, please pass the resolution to encourage him to take a firm stand
3.     Over 50 congresspersons have signed a letter calling for an 
end to the blockade
4.     Over 50 countries, along with several international human 
rights organizations, have condemned the violence.  We would like San 
Francisco to join in the chorus of voices from all over the world.

sffreepalestine at gmail.com

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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