[News] Iran sanctions worthless, Chavez says

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Thu Jun 10 10:43:19 EDT 2010

Iran sanctions worthless, Chavez says
Thu, 10 Jun 2010 09:23:42 GMT

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has strongly condemned a fourth 
round of UN Security Council sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program.

Speaking in a televised speech Wednesday night, Chavez condemned the 
newly-approved UNSC measure against Iran and criticized the West for 
not taking any such step against Israel.

"Israel massacres, kills, doesn't comply with United Nations 
resolutions ... and the United Nations acts as if nothing has 
happened," the Venezuelan president said.

On Wednesday, the 15-member UN Security Council passed a US- drafted 
resolution for the imposition of new sanctions against Iran over its 
nuclear program.

UNSC member states Brazil and Turkey voted against the new round of 
sanctions, while Lebanon abstained from voting.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reacted strongly to the 
resolution on Wednesday, saying, "For the Iranian nation, such 
resolutions count for nothing."

Chavez also praised and affirmed recent remarks by the Iranian 
president on the UNSC vote, saying "Well said, man. Not worth a penny."

The fourth round of sanctions was adopted against Tehran over its 
uranium enrichment program -- which has been portrayed as a threat in 
the West despite repeated assurances from the International Atomic 
Energy Agency on the non-diversion of nuclear material in the country.

This is while earlier on Tuesday, 118 member states of the 
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) voiced their support for Iran's right to 
the peaceful use of nuclear energy.


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