[News] Support Palestine - SF Protest Sat 6/5 @ 11am

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Fri Jun 4 10:25:29 EDT 2010

Israel deployed its PR big guns to wish ALL these 
Actions away.  We MUST  register this in the US psyche that

The US policy towards Palestine is criminal, and that

Israel is a criminal agent.  Let's multiply our 
efforts and focus on this for the last day to make the protest succeed.

1)  Make calls to all labor and community orgs 
and ask them to post on their websites and lists, 
especially the ones that we listed as supporters.

2)  Make calls to Palestinian and Arab 
organizational reps to bring out their members and families
3)  Follow up with the mosques to ensure that the 
Khotbah tomorrow will focus on the turn out. ( 
MUSLIM WORLD and some Arab countries ).

If we are not bombarded by calls for the protest 
by tomorrow afternoon, wherever we look, then we 
as the ones in the center of all this activity 
are falling short.  Few days have passed since the event and

San Francisco Bay Area Emergency Protest of
Israeli Massacre of Gaza Aid Convoy

Saturday, June 5th 11am
Mass Mobilization
San Francisco, Civic Center

Al Awda-Palestine Right to Return Coalition, 
ANSWER Coalition—Act Now to Stop War &aamp; End 
Racism, Palestine Youth Network, American Muslims 
for Palestine, U.S. Palestinian Community 
Network, International Solidarity Movement, 
International Socialist Organization, (ISO), Arab 
Resource & Organizing Center, Arab Youth 
Organization, Muslim Student Association, 
Students for Justice in Palestine, General Union 
of Palestinian Students, International Jewish 
Anti-Zionist Network, Youth and Student ANSWER, 
Middle EastChildren’s Alliance, NAYI, Jewish 
Voice for Peace, Bay Area Committee to End 
Israeli Apartheid, Arab Community and Cultural Center, World Can't Wai

Freedom Archives
522 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

415 863-9977

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