[News] Lebanese aid ship to set sail for Gaza

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Mon Jun 21 15:09:16 EDT 2010

Lebanese aid ship to set sail for Gaza

Mon, 21 Jun 2010 14:02:59 GMT
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A Lebanese aid ship will move towards the Gaza Strip within a few 
days to deliver humanitarian supplies to the besieged people of Gaza.

Lebanese Transport Minister Ghazi Aridi said authorities granted 
permission Monday for the ship to sail to Cyprus and then to Gaza.

The aid ship cannot directly sail for Gaza as Lebanon and Israel are 
technically still at war, he expounded.

The ship, named "Julia," is now docked at the northern Lebanese port 
of Tripoli and can set sail once it is cleared by port authorities 
there, the minister said.

Another ship called "Mariam," is also planning to make the voyage, 
carrying some 50 women activists including Arabs, Europeans and four 
American nuns as well as cancer medication to Gaza.

It was not clear whether the two ships would leave together.

The Free Palestine Movement organized the mission. Yasser Kashlak, a 
Syrian of Palestinian origin who heads the group, said the ships 
would be carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza and would be searched 
at a port in Cyprus.

"We will abide by international and marine laws and will be subject 
to international inspection," he told the Associated Press.

Organizers said Julia plans to sail in the next few days, but did not 
give an exact date for the departure. Israel has threatened that it 
would use "all necessary means" to stop the convoy.

The pro-Palestinian campaigners planned the mission after Israeli 
commandos stormed the Gaza Freedom Flotilla aid convoy on May 31, 
killing at least 20 civilian activists and injuring dozens of others 
in international waters.


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