[News] Oakland - Emergency Vigil for Haiti - Mon, Jan 18 - 5pm

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Sat Jan 16 18:03:04 EST 2010


Monday, January 18th, 5:00 P.M.
Oakland Federal Building
1301 Clay Street
(City Center Bart Station)

Join Haiti Action Committee and Congresswoman Barbara Lee to stand 
with the people of Haiti in this tragic hour.

Three million people are homeless, untold thousands are dead.? With 
their own hands, Haitians are heroically digging out friends and 
relatives from the rubble left by the devastating earthquake, showing 
once again their resilience, determination and courage in the face of disaster.

Days after the earthquake, the United Nations admits it has fed only 
8000 people. With thousands of U.S. troops headed to Haiti, it is 
clear that the U.S. and UN are more concerned with 'securing' Haiti 
than with feeding and housing people. Millions of dollars worth of 
food and medicine sits on the tarmac at the airport in Port-au-Prince 
while the poorest communities remain without aid.

In a scene reminiscent of Hurricane Katrina, 10,000 people have 
sought refuge in the Aristide Foundation, near the airport in 
Port-au-Prince. Over fifty doctors are there, yet no medical supplies 
or food has arrived.

This is a time to aid grassroots organizations that have always been 
there for the people. This is a time to return President Aristide to Haiti.

We remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who said, 
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

Contribute to Haiti relief through the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund at 

For more information, see 

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San Francisco, CA 94110

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