[News] Bedouin village razed for fourth time

Anti-Imperialist News news at freedomarchives.org
Tue Aug 17 18:42:05 EDT 2010


Bedouin village razed for fourth time

Yesterday (Last Update) Time 19:15

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Israeli authorities on Tuesday demolished an 
unrecognized Bedouin village for the fourth time, Israeli media reported.

The Al-Araqib village was razed two weeks ago for the third time, 
after residents rebuilt dwellings demolished to make way for a Jewish 
National Fund park.

The efforts to rebuild were prompted by decision by the Higher 
Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel after the village was 
first torn down. Locals said following the last demolitions that they 
intended to rebuild their homes.

A spokesman for Israel's national police said he would look into the report.

'Violence in Al-Araqib will lead to war'

Palestinian-Israeli Knesset member Taleb As-Sana denounced the 
demolitions during Ramadan, describing them as inhumane. He added 
that razing of Bedouin homes was "a declaration of war" against the 
Negev inhabitants and would only create violence.

As-Sana said the residents of Al-Araqib will rebuild their homes in 
spite of Israel's demolition, and cited the village as an example of 
Palestinian steadfastness.

Israel deems Bedouin village 'illegal'

On 27 July, all 40 homes in the Al-Araqib village were destroyed and 
300 residents were evicted during the raid after an Israeli court 
deemed the village illegally built on state land. The Bedouin 
residents say they have proof of land ownership, and have been in 
court for several years.

At least 200 children were left homeless as a result, as police 
removed residents property into prepared containers, and bulldozers 
razed buildings and sheepfolds, local activists said in a statement. 
Fruit orchards and olive grove trees were destroyed in the process.

Israeli activists who were present at the demolition described the 
move as an "act of war, such as is undertaken against an enemy."

Two weeks ago, Israeli police returned to village, a week after it 
was once again razed to make way for the forest.

(This version CORRECTS that Israel's Civil Administration was not 
involved in the demolitions.)
Source: http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=308618

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